Jeremy Johnson
I was an Anglican all my life and was brought up in church. I attended alll events & camp during my youth days. I only realised what true Christianity was when my pastor approached me and found out I was living with my girlfriend and he asked me to repent. He taught me what the Bible said about Christ. After a couple of months, Melissa and I confessed our sin and started living repented lives. Today, I am a Christian because of what Jesus did on the cross for me. Not by my own works. Ephesians 2:8-10
Melissa Johnson
All my life, I thought I was a Christian and I grew up doing Christian things. Yet nobody confronted me though I was living in sin with my boyfriend, which was a normal part of my life until Ps Robin rebuked me - he had been the only person at the time who showed me what sin is from the Bible. I thank God for His grace in saving me and the faithful teaching of who He is at CERC.
Adrian Miller
I was told that I was a Christian only if I experienced an outward manifestation of the Spirit. My failure to have such an experience, coupled with my own sinfulness, has left me feeling condemned and rejected by God. It was only after the Bible was explained to me that I understood that even though I deserved condemnation, I could lay my confidence in Christ's righteousness and its acceptance by God. That was when I believed and put my trust in Christ.
Erin Miller
Born into a Christian family, I had always taken Christianity for granted. As I grew up, I began questioning the Bible, but nobody could provide sufficiently logical answers to my questions. It was only after attending Bible studies, seminars, and conferences with brothers from CERC to search for answers that I finally understood what God did to save sinful man and put my trust in Jesus.
Natalie Ooi
When Ken & I decided to marry each other, I thought that I had better get baptised. I started going to church and reading the Bible regularly. Albeit struggling initially, with perseverance & careful guidance, I've come to realise that I am not righteous, and that I was foolish to think that I could get into the family of God through baptism. The more I read the word of God, the more I was exposed of my own sins, and realised that the only way I could be saved from the wrath of God upon me was to trust in Jesus Christ.
Ooi Ken Lee
I grew up believing that regular church attendance, prayer, and outward displays of faith secured my salvation. It was through CERC's preaching from the Scriptures that I realised true salvation comes solely by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not by my own efforts. I look forward to serving Christ together with the rest of His body.
Vanessa Ong
I don't know why God chose me to be part of his people, because I don't deserve it at all! But through reading the Bible, I understood that I should live out the Gospel and preach it to build up up this Kingdom, and I thank God so much for the new hope that comes with new life.
Jerome Leng
I accepted Jesus as my Lord & Saviour when I was 12 but I never really understood the gospel then and the years after that. I read Colossians for 3 months with Pastor Robin and it was then, that I was biblically converted. Ever since then, I began to think theologically and decided to practice good ecclesiology with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Jeremy Leng
I was a Christian Fellowship President but I never knew what sin was until my brother (Jerome) showed it to me. As I was explaining my Gospel understanding to him, he asked me, "So, is the Gospel about you?" And I was speechless. He then began to explain to me more about the centrality of Jesus Christ in our gospel understanding & I soon began to finally realize that it wasn't about me at all but it's about who Jesus is.
Mark Leong
Although I was a Christian since I was a child, I truly put my trust in Jesus in my first year of university in England. Upon returning, I am committed to the growth of the Gospel in Malaysia, and CERC is the most obvious and profitable way for me to contribute to the growth of Christ's church.
Leong Hui Chuin
I'm a member of CERC because I want to be disciplined and conformed to Christ-likeness through the mutual edification of the church. Here, I serve the gospel faithfully, and I want to keep encouraging the church as they do the same to me and each other, as we wait for Jesus' return.
Elden Rumba Pan
I truly understood what it meant to be Christian through Jerome's ministry in IMU, though I had been baptised since primary school. I'm a member of this church in obedience to God and in commitment to a group of believers under the authority of the Word. I'm so grateful to God for the faithful work that is being done here in CERC.
Ng Yee Li
I used to be a typical follower of this world, living for myself but submitted to God out of fear of His judgment. Through the teaching of the Bible in CERC, I came to understand God's love and salvation plan, putting my trust in Christ, knowing my salvation is entirely God's work. CERC has been instrumental in my growth, providing a church that takes God seriously, lives out the gospel reality, and genuinely relates to one another as family members.
Eileen Sim
Growing up as a proud non-Christian, I perceived Christians as hypocritical and felt pity for their religious obligations. My first encounter with Christianity was shallow, influenced by friends who didn't live out the faith they claimed. It wasn’t until I attended CERC and heard the true gospel that I truly understood my need for Christ and began to grasp the weight of His call to follow Him. Over time, CERC’s teachings and community life reshaped my understanding of God, sin, and what it means to live as a servant of Christ.
Daniel Lu
Although I didn’t want to jump in too quickly to CERC membership, I’ve come to learn in CERC, that commitment does not merely mean staying in church until the end, but serving it with all that I have. Throughout the membership course, I've got to learn through the book of Romans that being a Christian is to love my brothers and sisters in Christ in faith, while holding on to the hope of the full and final redemption when Christ comes again.
Sylvie Lie
I was born into a Buddhist family and initially followed their traditions, but my exposure to Christianity through my eldest sister led me to love Jesus and secretly pray to God despite outward appearances. The gospel changed me by revealing the true nature of Christianity - not about a victorious life or a good life, like I previously thought, but about following Christ's path of suffering and holding onto the living hope in Him. CERC played a crucial role in helping me build a foundation on the gospel, truth, and the Word, correcting false doctrines and restoring true gospel understanding. Now, I understand that my life is no longer mine but Christ's, and I strive to follow His path, depending on the Holy Spirit to renew my mind every day, flowing out from the foundation of the gospel, and maturing in Christ.
Andrea Foo
Since day one of coming to CERC, it has been the Word preached which has kept me coming week after week. Before this, there were too many ambiguities and confusions which caused me to doubt Christianity. The faithful preaching as well as the work of the Holy Spirit revealed the truth about myself that I'm totally depraved and that salvation comes only from Jesus Christ.
Penny Lai
Being emotionally depraved myself, I have always sought for a deeper and more profound understanding of God to which I hope I could find comfort and security in. I want to be a member of this church because of its faithful ministry under the proper guidance of the Word that is Christ-centered and God-glorifying.
Steffie Tan
CERC is different because we are CERC. CERC is a bunch of crazy and sinful people who was saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. CERC seeks to glorify God in all our lives by continuing to wrestle with sin every day. We strive to serve God, our Creator faithfully.
Lee Joo Hui
My first encounter with Scripture was in December 2007 during a youth camp, where the concept of salvation struck me hard in the heart, leading me to put my faith in the Lord Jesus. Although I started attending church and reading the Bible, I went through a "Zaman Kegelapan" where I struggled with sin and lived a non-worshipful lifestyle until I went to RBS at the beginning of 2010. RBS taught me hard lessons and set the foundation for me to start taking God, the Christian life, and church seriously, while CERC has shown me the importance of taking truth, membership, fellowship, evangelism, and love very seriously. Now, I strive to live a life that seeks to continually put sin to death daily, rejoice in suffering, and imitate Christ's servanthood for the sake of His people, acknowledging that all Christians are a work in progress persevering by the grace of God to finish the race.
Winnie Lai
During a visit from Melbourne, my sister Penny challenged my flawed understanding of the gospel, which I initially rejected. I had been pursuing godliness on my own terms, driven by pride and rebellion rather than true faith. However, through Scripture and her unwavering trust in God's sovereignty, I was convicted by the Word and finally submitted my life to Christ. This led me to commit to CERC, where I now seek to serve, grow, and live as a new creation in Christ.
Joel Lo
I want to be a member because it is only right for me as a Christian to be part of a local church. CERC nurtures its members well with proper biblical teachings and shows acts of love, including disciplining. I would also like to use the gifts graciously given to me to build up the church in any way possible.
Paul Wong
I grew up in a Christian family, attending Sunday schools and serving in the youth committee, but I didn't truly know Jesus as my Lord. When I entered IMU, my participation in the evangelism class "2 Ways to Live" was a turning point, where I learned to submit my whole life to Christ. Through faithful teachers and mentors, I came to understand the Gospel and the need to live for Christ, not myself, which eventually led me to commit to CERC. Now, I am committed to serving in CERC, trusting God to work through me and the church as we strive to glorify Him and expand His kingdom.
Eldwin Oui
Without CERC, I would likely still be a non-Christian, single, and completely obsessed with my career as a doctor back in the USA, where I grew up. I have come to realize that a truly good church transforms people's lives for Jesus, a big difference! I was confronted by Jerome as a free-thinker at the International Medical University back in 2010, and it took me several months to become genuinely repentant. I thank God for helping me turn to His Son, who was perfectly sinless in every way that I was not. By God's grace, I became the President of IMU CF (Seremban) in 2013 and later led Bible studies as a medical officer in Terengganu in 2016.
Melvin David
If I had not met CERC, I would have ended up as a drunk, drugged, and licentious person on a Polynesian island somewhere, while still identifying as a Christian. My biggest struggle now is reading the Bible in context, understanding systematic theology and biblical theology correctly, and ensuring that my kids know God. I am a Kindy 1 teacher in CERC Sunday School and the Assistant Head of Department for Food Catering Services.
David Kuok
Growing up in a Christian family, I believed my salvation was secured by my choice to believe, but I struggled to understand salvation by grace and feared losing my salvation, leading to self-righteous behavior. After attending CERC and listening to sermons, I realized my sinful nature and how my "good deeds" were driven by self-righteousness, not for God's glory. This conviction led me to understand God's grace and the true meaning of the gospel, recognizing that salvation is entirely God's work, not mine. Now, as a Christian, I strive to live a God-centered life, relying on His strength through struggles and being accountable to the church in my discipleship.
Wong Munn Kent
I used to be a self-proclaimed philosopher who sought meaning in life through my own understanding. But after a deep dive into the Bible, I realized the emptiness of my beliefs and the power of the gospel. CERC provided a community where I could truly grow in my faith and serve God. Now, I’m committed to living my life for God, even if it means facing challenges and persecution.
Kimberley Fong
I grew up as a mere church-goer who didn't care about God or Christianity, treating God as my own Santa Claus and using church as a place to meet friends. My views changed when I went to WWSC in 2012, realizing I didn't know my Bible, which led me to attend conferences and youth groups where I began to understand the true Gospel. Through CERC, I came to learn about this explicit gospel and the sovereign God who shows His righteousness to undeserving sinners. Now, I want to serve and love CERC as a community of God's people under Him, standing up for truth and seeing the importance in understanding Scripture faithfully.
Rachel Chong
I used to think my career was everything and that marriage was about being pampered like a queen, but my life changed when I encountered the gospel during a difficult relationship, leading me to leave behind those old values. Through the teachings at CERC and the support of church members, I came to understand the true purpose of marriage and life—centered on Christ and His kingdom. Now, I no longer idolize my work or seek self-centered desires, but instead strive to live faithfully as a humble servant, investing in His ministry and embracing the biblical roles in marriage. My commitment is to be a functional member of Christ's body, accountable to others, and dedicated to spiritual growth until the end.
Metrisha David
I was born into a Christian family but never knew God. I never knew how to read the Bible. But, after coming to CERC Youth, and studying the Bible for myself, I realised that sin was a huge problem that severed me from God, and that I have been saved through grace to serve my Lord and Savior together with fellow men and women in His church as one body.
Timothy Lee
I was a self-centered, judgmental person for most of my life. Despite attending church and reading the Bible, I didn't truly understand the gospel. Moving to Perth and being challenged by a fellow church member about my beliefs led me to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. After this conversion, I continued to struggle with sin but through the influence of CERC, I yearned to live a holy life. Now, I am committed to being a part of a church that will hold me accountable as I live my life for God's glory.
Ruth Voon
Jesus was just an add on to my Life. Church was just an extra activity. That all changed after I met CERC. I started to learn and taking God more seriously in life, and was eventually convicted of my deceitful heart and sinfulness against God. I am now committed to CERC because I see that CERC is a faithful local church who loves God a lot, and nurtures, protects and grow me to be a true human being who glorify God.
Joshua Tay
If I had not met CERC, I would have been a Vice President at a global consulting firm, living a luxurious lifestyle filled with fine dining, exquisite women, extravagant experiences, and skiing the best slopes around the world. Now, I am concerned for the long-term health of my church, serving as a Growth Group Leader, an active member of the fundraising department, and a husband.
Fun fact: Joshua Tay has a 'maîtrise-plus' or Mastery-Plus level in skiing.
Brigitte Karina Leong
I grew up in a non-Christian family but was exposed to Christianity in school. In college, I joined CERC and grasped the gospel through Bible study, which helped me realise my previous understanding of the gospel was self-centered and began to focus on serving God and others. Though I struggle at times, I am committed to growing in my faith with fellow brothers here.
Christine Chong
I grew up in a Christian family but my parents stopped attending church after I was born. I was exposed to Christianity through Girls' Brigade and youth groups. While I claimed to be a Christian, my understanding of the gospel was shallow. A significant turning point came when I realized my sinfulness from the gospel and repented to Jesus. Through CERC, I discovered Reformed theology and was convicted by it. Since joining CERC I have been growing in my faith, learning to read the Bible and serve God faithfully.
Jan Tie
I grew up in a loving Christian home, with my dad as a pastor and my mum as a homemaker, accepting Jesus into my heart at a young age, but my understanding of the Gospel deepened significantly when I was 14 through the Evangelism Explosion course. Despite being active in church and student ministries, I experienced unfaithful teachings in various churches, leading to a lack of discipleship and a focus on experience over the Word. However, during my time in New Zealand, I was blessed with solid Biblical training that reshaped my understanding of God’s Sovereignty and the Gospel, which deepened even further when I joined CERC after returning to Malaysia. Today, I am grateful for CERC's faithful teaching and strive to serve God and His people with the knowledge and responsibility I have gained, persevering in faith and helping others grow in their understanding of Christ until He returns.
Jason Tan
I was born into a nominal Buddhist family, but my curiosity about Christianity began at age 10 when I found a Bible and started reading it, leading to early discussions about faith with my friends. My journey through different churches exposed me to various teachings, including prosperity gospel doctrines, which eventually left me spiritually disillusioned and distant from God. However, after years of spiritual wandering, my encounter with CERC and its faithful expository preaching transformed my understanding of the Gospel, correcting my theological misunderstandings and reigniting my commitment to Christ. Now, I see it as a great privilege to belong to a faithful church like CERC, where I am being nurtured in maturity, and I am committed to serving Christ and His church wholeheartedly.
Jared Mea
I was brought to CERC by my brother Felix, which opened my eyes to what Christianity truly means. Before this, I had a very pious nature to my Christianity, feeling comfortable and thinking that my knowledge was good enough to get me to heaven. But attending CERC challenged my view of Christianity, making me realise that my previous understanding was just what I wanted Christianity to be, not what it really is. Now, I understand that I’m a Christian because of God's sovereign grace in saving me from my sins through Jesus' work on the cross. My life now belongs to God, and my priorities have shifted to focus on God and His glory, seen in serving the local church, encouraging God's people, and expanding His kingdom.
Felix Mea
I was born and bred in KL, grew up in a Christian family and thought that I knew my Bible. but when I came to CERC during the Romans series, I realized that learning about God is not an easy task and that I need to work hard at my reading of the Scriptures to know God rightly.
Choong Mun Vee
I used to think that theology is "extra" and only for pastors since I am going to go to heaven. Leong Mei Yee did Just For Starters (JFS) studies with me. After coming to CERC, I am still struggling with my reading and articulation, but I have improved. No longer being ignorant to God’s word but appreciating the revelation of God’s word to know and love God even more.
Cheah Siao Shuang
I came from a Taoist-Buddhist background but was never pious as it couldn't give me answers to my existential questions. Through learning the gospel in CERC, I've committed my life to Christ as I've been confronted with the truth - that God is the glorious Creator and that I am made to worship and live for Him alone.
Bolwin Su
I was impressed by CERC's dedication to theology and saw how the Word governs everything here. There are brothers and sisters who are concerned for our holiness and I am grateful to be here.
Fionna Lin
While I grew up going to church in Indonesia, I had secretly decided to quit Christianity because I hated learning that "God loves us" yet seeing so many Christians suffering in the world. CERC helped me to trust in God again, as I have come to understand my own depravity from His revealed Word.
Chong Min Kent
I started joining Seri Kembangan Growth Group and it was the first time I studied Scripture properly. For the very first time, I finally understood the truth of the gospel. I recognized and acknowledged that I am a sinner, and I was once living under sin with hopelessness, and by the mercy of God’s grace, I am redeemed through Jesus Christ for God.
Su Jo-Ann
I was struck by how I was not only taught the gospel but got to see firsthand how the gospel is lived out by the church members in CERC. The radical candor displayed in confronting the things that we don't like for the sake of truth is actually very loving and the care for details in the church showed me how CERC's theology and gospel is not only practical but faithful.
Yip Li Qi
I became hostile towards Christianity and would challenge my Christian leaders and friends to prove that God didn't really exist. But when I came to CERC, my challenges were met with objective truth from God's Word and I finally learnt the true gospel of Christ. I'm thankful to CERC for their labour of love in not giving up on me.
Shulamite Liew
I was raised in a Christian family, actively involved in church activities from a young age, which shaped my early understanding of faith and commitment. However, it wasn't until joining CERC that I truly began to grow spiritually.
The Bible studies and community at CERC challenged me to live a life more aligned with God's will, transforming my view of Christianity from a mere religion to a core part of my identity. CERC has not only deepened my understanding of Christianity but has also equipped me with the tools to apply these teachings in my daily life, fostering a more authentic and purposeful walk with God.
Ang Wei Jie
I grew up with a Buddhist background, and, like many Malaysians, I used to believe that God simply wanted people to do good, rather than being a God who provides one truth with a clear definition of who He is and what His will and purpose are for humanity. I am thankful to God that I was able to hear the Gospel and learn about Christianity through CERC. This included many hours of faithful sermons, Bible study, and discussions in Growth Group, as well as edifying conversations with brothers and sisters in the church.
Jasper Tan
I was posted to Terengganu for work and visited Eldwin's bible study on the SOLID material. I finally understood how despicable my sin is before God and how He is gloriously wrathful against me. Seeing both Eldwin’s life of worship and how CERC stands for God’s cause, made me understand the worth of God and His plan for His glory.
Melody Ng
In the past, I struggled with a shallow understanding of Christianity, focusing on outward service while neglecting personal growth and biblical knowledge. I experienceda a Christian culture shock for the first time in Australia, realising how little I knew about the Bible and what it truly meant to be a Christian. Since coming to CERC, I have been challenged a lot by the Scriptures and exposed of my sins, with my eyes and heart opened to see how a church strives to live for God's glory at all costs. Now, I am committed to submitting to God as my king and Lord, actively studying His word, and living out my faith within the corporate reality of the church, striving to reflect God's character and advance His gospel in all aspects of my life.
Barney Wong
I used to attend church out of piety and friendship, practicing nominal Christianity without truly understanding the gospel. My perspective changed during my internship when I listened to John MacArthur's sermons, which convicted me of my depravity and unworthiness before God, leading me to understand the true meaning of following Christ as His disciple. Since coming to CERC, I've realised that the church is more than just an organisation or community club, but the very manifestation of God's saving work, which has changed my perspective from expecting the church to serve me to understanding how I must serve the church. Now, I am committed to utilising all aspects of my life in serving physically, mentally, and financially to support CERC in the growth of Jesus' church, while also allowing the church to expose and kill my sins, shaping me to be a true worshipper of God.
Koay Huei Yi
I really see biblical love practiced in this church. I'm not here just to consume more content, or church hop like I did in the United States. I'm staying because this church defends the gospel wholeheartedly.
Christine Wong
I grew up in a Christian family and attended Sunday School regularly, but throughout my teenage years, I was a comfortable Christian who took the gospel lightly. My life changed after I joined my uni Christian Fellowship in 2018 and began attending CERC regularly. There, I realized that Christianity is not just about intellectual knowledge or religion, but about understanding what it means to be truly worshipping God.
Tan Wei Wen
In the past, I viewed Christianity merely as moralistic stories and a means to be a better person. My understanding was pretty shallow, focused on what God could do for me rather than who He truly is. Through God's patience and the people He placed in my life, especially at CERC, my eyes were opened to the depths of God's Lordship as Creator King and the reality of human depravity. Now, I understand that all of life belongs to God and is for His glory, and I'm committed to knowing God through His Word, serving His church, and preserving the gospel truth for future generations.
Ashley Tang
I was born and raised in a Christian family in KL, attending church regularly, but my understanding of Christianity was self-centered and based on a faulty theology of salvation. Through Sunway SOLIDD and CERC, I learned the "Godness of God in salvation" through studies on Ephesians and Romans, which corrected my soteriology and gave me a God-centered view of salvation. My growth in CERC, particularly in ecclesiology, challenged me to love Jesus through loving his church, discerning evil, and taking priestly action against it. Now, I strive to deny my individualism and passivity, evangelizing to non-Christians, defending the gospel among Christians, and actively participating in church life.
Jade Lee
Back when I was in my old church, I attended church mainly for the community, friendship, and good food, but never truly excited to worship God and learn His Word. The gospel changed me in 2020, leading me to understand that being a Christian means picking up my cross and following Jesus, saying no to the desires of the flesh and persevering in faith despite challenges. Coming to CERC has transformed my attitude towards churching, helping me understand the nature of the church as Jesus's bride and a showcase of God's glory. Now, I find joy in Bible studies, view suffering differently, and have changed my priorities in life, including my attitude towards marriage and ministry, all while growing in the Word and learning to care pastorally for others' godliness.
Ting Huong Eng
I grew up treating God like Santa Claus and understanding sin as mere moralism, but my time in a small house church exposed me to deeper Bible study and reformed theology, truly converting me to the gospel. Since coming to CERC, I've gained a better understanding of ecclesiology and eschatology, learning to love the church not based on my measure of love but on the basis of God's love for the church. I've learned to confront and resolve conflicts within the church, speaking the truth in love and forgiving one another, rather than harboring bitterness or avoiding issues. Now, I'm committed to building up CERC in love together with other like-minded and like-hearted brothers and sisters, appreciating the seriousness, urgency, intensity, and preciousness of the gospel better.
Yong Shiuan
As a Christian since young, I lived a "Christian-like life" but was deeply sinful, desiring to satisfy myself rather than God, which manifested in my communication, working habits, and lack of self-control, especially during the COVID period. The gospel reminded me of Christ's work on the cross and His resurrection, which has the power to save and change sinners, leading me to strive for a life of loving others and self-control for the kingdom of God. CERC has been an edifying journey, helping me understand the intensity of ministry and the need for constant improvement to serve a God who actively calls people to Himself. Now, I am working on improving my attention span, building a sense of urgency in my service to God, and striving to be a useful and faithful servant of Christ.
Eugene Wong
Growing up in a Christian family in Sarawak, I regularly attended church but served without really understanding who I was or why I served people, as I just liked the culture. Through God's grace, He led me to Selangor where I was brought to Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC), where I started to learn how the Bible actually taught me who I am under God and how to serve His church by taking His word seriously. CERC has transformed my whole perspective towards Christianity, showing me it's not just a religion but a holy relationship under God, and I now strive to live out God's image as a worshipper, being the salt and light among Malaysia. I thank God for His work in me, enabling me to serve the church faithfully despite my struggles, and I continue to serve my Lord Jesus Christ with joy, as there is much hope in Him.
Adrian Lam
I grew up in a traditional Christian family where I was taught to pray, read the Bible, and serve in church, but in truth, my understanding of Christianity was limited to moralistic therapeutic deism and ecumenism. The pivotal moment came when I heard a sermon that challenged my self-centered faith, making me realize I was a horrible Christian all my life, living for myself and plastering God's name over all my actions." Coming to CERC has opened my eyes, renewed my mind, and softened my heart, helping me understand the bigness of God, the importance of His kingdom, and the true nature of the church as God's wisdom on earth. Now, I'm committed to putting my sins to death, constantly seeking reconciliation, and living all aspects of life under God for God, even as I struggle to be consistent with who I already am in Christ.
Sean Ang
Before coming to CERC, I was a non Christian, and lived life according to what I defined as its purpose - individual happiness within proper constraints, pursuing things I desired, like helping others and personal comfort. The Matthew series back in 2019 and the God Story series helped me understand better who Jesus is and see the magnificent God who moves history purposefully and mightily. This changed my life to seek first the glory of God and serve His kingdom purposes in building Jesus' church well. CERC's in-depth preaching and teaching of the word has made me more attentive to Scripture, helping me read the Bible and think of how to help others do the same. Now, I spend my time, energy, and mind dedicated to helping ministries grow, being more mindful and purposeful in living a God-glorifying life, and striving to contribute to building up the church into the maturity of Christ and the proclamation of the gospel.