Women Encouraging Women (WEW) | Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC)

We women share a unique bond—one built on shared experiences and understanding, and deep connection. Whether it’s the comforting words of a friend after heartbreak or late-night heart-to-heart conversations, our relationships can be a source of immense joy and encouragement, one that brings strength to our service to God as helpers to men in our homes, workplace and church.

Yet, in a world where humans have rebelled against God, these same relationships can also work against who we're meant to be. Silent comparisons, unspoken expectations, and subtle rivalries creep in. Instead of a relationship or a partnership for God and His church, we made it to be about our needs, our happiness and self-worth.

At WEW 2025, as a continuation from our reflection from 2024 "Women Vs Men", let’s confront these struggles honestly and biblically. Join us as we learn about our high calling as women and the great potential that is in the redeemed relationship between women.

Sign up now

WEW is a church event organised by CERC once every year with the goal of teaching and encouraging Christian women to live faithfully for the Lord. WEW is exclusively for women only, women of all ages who wish to understand how the Gospel reality revealed through the Bible should affect their daily lives, and how they can be faithful Christian women. It doesn’t matter if you’re a secondary school student or a mother of three; married or single; Malaysian or not — WEW is for you!


Vanessa Ong

Pastor Vanessa Ong

Children & Women’s Pastor
Soung Hui

Au Soung Hui

Church Ministers’ Apprentice


  • My Sister and I

    Sibling love or sibling rivalry? Maybe a little of both. She takes your stuff, you take the blame. She thinks you’re the favorite, you think she is. Beneath the teasing, assumptions, and lifelong comparisons, what does it truly mean to be sisters? More than just sorting out the tensions, this session invites us to see sisterhood through a God-centered lens—shaping our thoughts, attitudes, and struggles in light of His truth. How can we love, forgive, and grow as sisters, not just in family but in faith? Let’s dive in.

  • My Sister in Christ and I

    Grace and patience don’t always come naturally—even in church. She misunderstands you, you misjudge her. You assume the worst, she assumes you’re thinking the worst. What happens when relationships in Christ feel anything but Christ-like? In this session, we’ll unpack the unspoken tensions, unearth the heart behind our assumptions, and learn how to walk in love, even when it’s hard.

  • My Mum and I

    She nags. You roll your eyes. She’s hurt. You’re frustrated. Now what? Family relationships are tricky, and nothing triggers us quite like our own mother. Whether it’s feeling unheard, misunderstood, or unfairly compared, we all carry baggage. But is there a way forward? In this session, we’ll get real about mother-daughter struggles and discover how the gospel can transform our bond.

  • My Mum-in-law and I

    It’s her son. It’s your husband. It’s complicated. From parenting styles to household routines, navigating a relationship with your mother-in-law can feel like walking on eggshells. Is there a way to honor her without losing your sanity? Let’s talk about the silent struggles, hidden tensions, and how to build a relationship that works according to His Word.

  • Dealing with emotions

    What do we do with what we feel? Emotions can be overwhelming, confusing, and sometimes downright messy—especially in our relationships with other women. We compare, misunderstand, get hurt, or feel unseen. Sometimes, we bottle things up, other times we lash out, and often, we struggle to make sense of it all. But what if our emotions weren’t meant to control us—or be ignored? In this session, we’ll explore how to deal with our feelings in a God-honoring way, especially in how we relate to one another. Whether it’s anger, sadness, fear, or joy, let’s learn to navigate our emotions with gospel clarity, building each other up instead of tearing each other down.

  • Lesbianism

    Desires. Identity. Love. Where do we stand? In a world that speaks loudly about sexuality, how do we navigate the topic of lesbianism with both truth and grace? This session provides a space to explore the complexities of same-sex attraction through a biblical lens—addressing struggles, questions, and cultural narratives while rooting ourselves in God’s design for womanhood. Whether you’re wrestling personally or seeking to understand, let’s engage with honesty, compassion, and faith.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is Women Encouraging Women (WEW)?

    WEW is a church event organized by CERC once every year with the goal of teaching and encouraging Christian women to live faithfully for the Lord.

  • Who is WEW for?

    WEW is for women of all ages who wish to understand how the Gospel reality revealed through the Bible should affect their daily lives, and how they can be faithful Christian women. It doesn’t matter if you’re a secondary school student or a mother of three; married or single; Malaysian or not — WEW is for you!

  • Why should I join WEW?

    You should join WEW if you would like to:

    • Discover your true worth and identity as a Christian woman
    • Learn more from God’s Word so as to deal with your struggles in a God-glorifying manner
    • Train yourself in serving ladies in Malaysia
    • Meet new people with various life experiences and who face similar struggles as you
    • Gain meaningful and deep insights that will lead to real change in your life
  • Who are the speakers for the talks?

    Pastor Vanessa Ong, Children and Women’s Pastor
    Vanessa graduated from Moore Theological College, Sydney, with a Bachelor of Divinity in 2021 and is currently a pastor-in-training at CERC. She holds a degree in psychology and was previously one of CERC’s Church Ministers’ Apprentice between 2014 and 2016. She is heavily involved in CERC’s women, children, youth ministries and several university student ministries in CERC. Vanessa is also a partner of Gospel Growth Fellowship, a parachurch dedicated to promoting, propagating and defending a gospel-centered existence for the church of Jesus Christ.

    Au Soung Hui, Church Ministers’ Apprentice
    Soung grew up with 2 older brothers and worked as an engineer for a few years, having received a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. She may look tough on the outside but is actually quite an emotional person who cries easily when watching movies or hearing sad stories. She can even cry when she laughs too hard. One of her dream goals in life was to have her own Prince Charming sweep her off her feet, but the Gospel eventually changed her perspective of what life, dating and marriage was all about. She is now a Church Ministers' Apprentice, pursuing full-time paid ministry, who seeks to make the most of her singleness by spending more time encouraging women of all ages with the Scriptures in both group and 1-on-1 Bible studies.

  • Is there an entrance fee for the event?

    Yes, the entrance fee is RM47, but students get a special rate of just RM43!
    Your payment helps support the event and ensures quality content from dedicated speakers. The fee also includes Day 2's breakfast, lunch, refreshments, and a special door gift as a token of appreciation. Payment can be made via bank transfer.

    Bank: RHB Bank
    Bank holder: CERC Trust (Sub)
    Bank Account: 21406200108415

    Please email us the bank slip after you've made your payment at events@cerc.com.my.

  • Where will the payment go to?

    Your payment will go a long way towards supporting the work of running the event. This ensures that you get quality content via the talks and electives by women who put all their heart, soul and mind into your electives and contribute their labour for WEW.

    Day 2's breakfast, lunch and refreshment are included in the fee. Participants will also receive a special door gift as a token of appreciation.

  • Is there a difference in the fee if I can only attend one of the days?

    Yes, you may view the entrance fee below.

    Day 1 Day 2 Price (RM)
    Physical / Virtual / Absent Physical 47 (Normal Price) / 43 (Concession Price for Student)
    Physical / Virtual / Absent Virtual 35
    Physical / Virtual Absent 25
  • Will the event be recorded?

    No, the event will not be recorded, but all session materials will be yours to keep.

  • I want to join more than 2 electives! Can I get a recording for the elective that I can’t join?

    We’d love for you to join all the electives too! Unfortunately, we won’t be distributing session recordings — but all session materials will be yours to keep! There are 2 elective slots scheduled to run for 1hr 30m each, which means each participant is able to join 2 electives. If you’d like to know what went on in another elective, we suggest planning out your elective choices with a friend or two!

  • Will there be crèche services available if I bring my child to WEW?

    Yes, there will be crèche services available.

  • I have questions about WEW. Who should I ask?

    For help, please contact
    Weng Yan (016 267 4886)

    You can also follow us on or IG for the latest updates!
  • How do I get to the venue?
    Scroll down to the Venue section to view the address and information on parking & public transport.

Event flow

11th April 2025 (Friday)

7PM - 11:30PM
Registration | Dinner for Sale
Songs | Announcements
Talk 1

12th April 2025 (Saturday)

8:30AM - 6:30PM
Breakfast | Small Group Discussion
Opening | Songs
Talk 2
Small Group Discussion | Lunch
Elective 1
Tea Break
Elective 2
Songs | Prayer


Christ Evangelical Reformed Church

10, Jalan PJS 7/3a, Bandar Sunway, 47500 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Find us on: Google Maps Waze

Parking & public transport

You may park at 99 Speedmart in PJS7/13. There will be shuttling services provided around PJS 7 and our shuttlers will bring you safely here.

If you come by GRAB, you can search "Christ Evangelical Reformed Church".

If you are traveling by LRT, the nearest station is SS15 LRT Station. Lifts from the SS15 LRT station can be arranged.

If you need help with getting here, please reach Sin Roong via WhatsApp or call him at 010 896 8956.

Hear from ladies who have benefited from WEW in the past years!

Yvonne Yeoh, Working Adult

“I am thankful for how the faithful handling and teaching of God's Word by the women at WEW has brought so much encouragement to me, and I praise God for a body that continually strives to speak the truth in love till the day our faith becomes sight!”

Caren Liew

“I learnt a lot about God’s good design for women, what is true womanhood as designed by my sovereign creator, and had a renewed view of myself. I appreciate the beautiful truth of womanhood, interesting hot topics and practical application for my life. I am encouraged and I truly recommend WEW to all ladies!”

Lee Joo Hui, Working Adult

“I've attended WEW events in previous years and found them to be very edifying. WEW has compelled me to think through what it means to be a Christian woman, and how I can apply my knowledge in my service to Jesus and His church in the different roles that God has called me to be."

Elena Lo

“It was a great experience for me even though I'm a Christian mum for 30+ years. It helped me to reflect how to become a better Christ-like mum and wife.”

Charmaine Lee, Working Adult

“The overall experience was great. I met so many sisters in Christ who were eager to learn about God and his words. There were even elderly women who came to join us, which was very encouraging. The sessions were edifying as the older women shared their insights to how they have been molded and transformed by Christ to be godlier in their emotions and thoughts. It taught me that all of my being, even my emotions were created to glorify God because that’s how he’s made us for his purpose.”

WEW Wearable Theology

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