“Why does CERC preach the way it does?”
“How do the leaders seek to pastor faithfully?”
“What motivates so many young men and women to pursue full time paid ministry?”
Important questions call for informed answers.
Introducing The Lens – where we take an informed look into matters surrounding CERC’s ministry.
In this episode, we cover the bread and butter nurturing the church- our weekly preaching.
Hear from our Lead Elder Robin, Mark and Joel from the Council of Elders, our Pastor-in-Training Jerome and our General Manager Penny as they take the hot seat!
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书评:由【英】华勇、李赐典、李达恩和林家扬合著的《比加尔文更加尔文主义?强硬改革宗神学与马来西亚教会》 (本文译自:Rev Dr David Peterson reviews “More Calvinistic Than Calvin?”) 翻译内容的书籍参照取自于:张俊明翻译的《比加尔文更加尔文主义?强硬改革宗神学与马来西亚教会》 当基督徒意见分歧时 当基督徒在圣经诠释、教义、伦理或牧养事宜上存在分歧时,他们在爱中说真话是很重要的(以弗所书4:15,25)。要做到这一点,一个必要的基础是查明他人实际上在教导和实践什么,并根据神在圣经中对他子民的启示来进行评估。遗憾的是,那些撰写批评马来西亚巴生谷的 Gospel Growth Fellowship (GGF) 和 Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC) 事工的人并没有完成这项基础性工作。 华勇、李赐典、李达恩和林家扬于2023年初出版了《比加尔文更加尔文主义?强硬改革宗神学和马来西亚教会》 (More Calvinistic than Calvin? Hardline Reformed Theology & the Malaysian Church) 。 每位作者都具有良好的学术资格,并都曾在神学院或圣经学院任教过,但他们的著作论证不佳,没有恰当地研究 GGF 和 CERC 的信仰和实践。似乎没有作者质问这些事工的领袖们,也很少尝试与他们公开发表的观点进行互动。这本书的开头和结尾只引用了这些事工的外部人士的二手评估,反映了一系列对这些事工不满的观点。不过,他们似乎没有与那些被指控犯错的人进行过真正的对话!因此,他们有几处的论点是不正确和失礼的。 第一章,“为何要有此书?”是唯一一章被归于一个特定作者所写的章节。卫理公会的荣誉会督——华勇讲述了他与 GGF 一位领袖的书信来往,后者请求他的允许在该事工的网站上发布他所写的一篇关于传讲圣经的文章。然而,当他更多地了解 GGF 及其与 CERC 的联系,并看到他的照片在未经他允许的情况下被附在文章的帖子中时,他要求撤回两者。作为过去十年中多次拜访这些事工的澳洲访客,我同意这个问题处理不当,GGF 方面应该进行更好的沟通。我也知道来自各方对这些事工的各种指控需要答复。然而,我非常熟悉领导 GGF 和
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Melvin David once imagined a life free from the burden of responsibilities, his days a blur of drinking, parties, and transient pleasures. His early adulthood was a carousel of escapism, spinning through the nights with little regard for the morrow. But that changed when he was introduced to Christ Evangelical
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Joshua and Pei Zoe chose Ecclesiastes 3 as their main text to convey a clear message to the audience: A life lived apart from God is not true life, and it will never be able to satisfy. With this understanding, the couple decided to commit all aspects of their lives
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On the night of the 5th of October 2024, Pastor Robin Gan closed CERC’s Meet the Elder (MTE) session with this: “Church, you have spoken. Let’s get to work”. For the members present, the brevity of these words only underscored their great weight. The MTE session serves as a platform
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