School of Christian Ministry | Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC)

School of Christian Ministry

School of Christian Ministry

Join Our Classes

Ever felt inadequate or unequipped to do ministry? Fret not!
Here, at School of Christian Ministry (SoCM for short), we are here to help you,
be it evangelism, discipleship or even small group leading!
We seek to equip you with skills, tips and thinking necessary for
doing Gospel-centred Word ministry in the Klang Valley
- you just have to turn up.


For Christians, evangelism is mandatory but at the same time, frightening. Many times, we remain crippled with fear and eventually become indifferent towards evangelism. At Evangelism SoCM, we aim to equip you with the right mindset and tools for evangelism so that proclaiming the gospel will be second nature to you. As you go through this SoCM, the gospel will become clearer to you as well.

1-on-1 Discipleship

As Christians, we are called to build each other up by speaking the truth in love to one another until we attain maturity in our faith, as commanded by Apostle Paul in Ephesians 4. At 1-on-1 SoCM, we aim to equip you to help new Christians to walk and be strengthened in the truth and to grow to maturity, and to live a life that is holy to God. In this SoCM, you will realise that 1-on-1 is more than just building a relationship but it encouraging one another to be centered around God and his Word.

Growth Group Leading

A Growth Group (GG for short) is a place where Christians can grow in maturity and obedience as God's holy people. GGs exist as an extension of the Word ministry on Sundays where Christians dig deeper into Scripture, reflect about what they have learned from the pulpit and apply biblical truths into their lives. At GG Leading SoCM, participants will be trained on how to lead groups in a God-glorifying way, how to prepare bible studies, how to ensure the GG is healthy, and many more. In this SoCM, you will learn how to be a better shepherd of God's people.

Sunday School

Teaching the little ones is never a little responsibility. Sunday School SoCM is where you can be trained to pack God's Big truths into kid-friendly size without compromising the truth, and to impart them to children of all ages

  • Evangelism
    feat. Two Ways to Live

    English & Chinese

    For Christians, evangelism is mandatory but at the same time, frightening. Many times, we remain crippled with fear and eventually become indifferent towards evangelism. At Evangelism SoCM, we aim to equip you with the right mindset and tools for evangelism so that proclaiming the gospel will be second nature to you. As you go through this SoCM, the gospel will become clearer to you as well.

    Sign up for class

  • 1-on-1 Discipleship


    As Christians, we are called to build each other up by speaking the truth in love to one another until we attain maturity in our faith, as commanded by Apostle Paul in Ephesians 4. At 1-on-1 SoCM, we aim to equip you to help new Christians to walk and be strengthened in the truth and to grow to maturity, and to live a life that is holy to God. In this SoCM, you will realise that 1-on-1 is more than just building a relationship but it encouraging one another to be centered around God and his Word.

    Sign up for class

  • Growth Group Leading


    A Growth Group (GG for short) is a place where Christians can grow in maturity and obedience as God's holy people. GGs exist as an extension of the Word ministry on Sundays where Christians dig deeper into Scripture, reflect about what they have learned from the pulpit and apply biblical truths into their lives. At GG Leading SoCM, participants will be trained on how to lead groups in a God-glorifying way, how to prepare bible studies, how to ensure the GG is healthy, and many more. In this SoCM, you will learn how to be a better shepherd of God's people.

    Sign up for class

  • Sunday School


    Teaching the little ones is never a little responsibility. Sunday School SoCM is where you can be trained to pack God's Big truths into kid-friendly size without compromising the truth, and to impart them to children of all ages

    Sign up for class

Participants' Testimonials

Hear from our participants on how SoCM has helped them become
better Christians

Yu Cheng

My time in 2 ways to live SOCM was a fruitful one. I managed to learn that, although 2 ways to live seem like just a simplistic and scripted way of helping people to introduce the gospel in a structured way, there is still more depth to those 6 boxes and 6 verses. As I learn more and more of the Bible, I could see how it fits into the script and verses. But of course, the message of Christianity is more than what is presented there. However, it is a helpful tool to introduce people to the riches of Christianity, of the gospel, of God, revealed fully and finally in His Son as seen through the Bible. With what I have learnt in 2 ways to live, I am now more equipped to evangelize and preach the kingdom of God, and proclaim, there is actually only one way to live, and that is God's way!

Kimberly Ling

Thankful for the training given during SOCM ✨ SOCM (TWTL) has provided a good foundation for a basic gospel framework and understanding which helps me to be faithful yet concise during evangelism (especially when there are time constraints), while also being trained to use TWTL as a tool to process which categories might be lacking in another person's understanding and to anchor them back to the truth that is Christ-centered and God-glorifying. It also helps to kickstart our efforts to consider other types of worldview in people's mind nowadays so that we can better contextualise the gospel to those whom we are evangelizing. SOCM (1on1) has also helped me to understand and clarify the nature and methods of maturing and building up one other in a personal, effective but realistic way under God's word. It helped me to see the compounding growth and advantages of meeting people regularly and the importance of PFU. SOCM also gives suggestions of types of materials that can be used and goes through the materials to guide us on how to use them. Join and may the training be used wisely for God's Kingdom !

Andrew Chan

The SOCM class has really enriched my understanding of the gospel, I came into the class expecting to have known most of it already. I was proven wrong as we went deep into God’s word as well as the many worldviews that will aid in proclaiming the gospel and showing how much more powerful and amazing God’s great plan really is and who we are to be in light of this. Overall SOCM has made me a better tool for God to ultimately proclaim His truth to the world!

Pei Zoe

SOCM has not only taught me how to teach the basic doctrines of Christianity with clarity but has also taught me how to rightly love and care for the people I'm doing 1on1 bible studies with. Before attending SOCM, I had a limited understanding of what it means to mature a person in Christ, thinking that 1on1s was just about teaching bible content. However, SOCM taught me that a mature Christian is one who is consistently increasing in the knowledge of God, bearing fruit in joy and thanksgiving and persevering till the end(Colossians 1:10-12). In other words, I learned that doing 1on1s is about making disciples who love and serve God with their whole being for God's glory alone.

Jae Rene

1-1 SoCm has positively challenged my motives and intention of doing 1-on-1 as we are understand the why, what, how of 1on1. It made me think if I’m doing it for the sake of a check list or am I training because of what I understand from 1 thess 1-3. During the course, we evaluated the JFS content where initially I did not realise how hard it was to actually link all the questions and passages for the message to be conveyed to the 1-on-1ee. The trainer caused me to realise that I actually need to be familiar with scriptures (not just romans) to properly and effectively teach 1on1 which I took for granted prior to training. I also learned that pastoring theologically is really difficult as I not only have to deal with my own struggle of sin when I myself am challenged by the question but also to deal with the 1-on-1ee’s sins. There are technical skills needed to be learned in asking the right questions and understanding the person. SoCM exposes and refines us on such skills as we practically conduct role play, learning what makes people tick and tackling those issues. Through socm, I have gone through the whole of JFS. I would not normally be able to that on my own without proper guidance. Even if I had done it, I might not have known the right technique. SoCCM is not only fun as we get to practice and role play together, but more importantly, it prepares us spiritually, mentally and intellectually to do ministry on a personal level as we go through passages from scriptures together. It exposes our true motives and intention too, which I think a lot of us might just be plainly oblivious about.

Johnny Lim

1-1 SoCM has helped me to think of the big picture of doing 1on1. The thinking of what and why is very important to not lose the point of doing 1on1, eg: Goals, what a healthy 1on1 looks like, what 1on1 is and what it’s not. This is helpful so I don’t fall into the pitfalls of doing “1on1s” when it’s just a hang out, sharing session as 1on1 usually involves the teaching of the Word and not merely just friednships. 1-1 SoCM has althought taught me that instead of dwelling deep into getting the right answer scheme, getting the right answer from my 1on1s, I am to be more concerned of their worldview and how can God's Word transform their life. It’s not just about teaching content/theology, but also preaching the gospel, shaping the 1on1ee's understanding of the gospel through the material so that he will live a godly life that's pleasing to God.

Lynette Kee

Kae Sheng’s taught us on how to think of 1on1 and it was very helpful in building my understanding of discipleship. 1on1 discipleship is not merely reading Bible with some random person, but it’s ultimately to building up the people (it’s about caring for people’s maturity and growth) I also enjoyed reading those good articles from 1on1 SoCM as it shaped my understanding on how to pastorally care for people as well as the mindset behind people (how to talk to people by knowing them) I will recommend it this SoCM because it has given me a wholistic understanding on what is 1on1, and it has equipped me with the mindset I need to minister to people.


从1one 1 Socm 中让我学习到: 1. 要达到的目标是什么,做1-1之前明白那个 – 为什么要做。让我看到不只是跟着做,而是清楚基督徒的目标。 - 不单只是读圣经,更多的是对方的生命有没有被转换成一个新人(神的样式)。 - 重点不是有多了解圣经,而是有没有顺服神。 2. 教学的基础步骤和方法和需要顾虑的地方。 - 对方是个什么类型的人,用不同的方法去接近,带他去到福音。 - 当目标够清晰, 是可以用很创意的方式去达到目标。 3. 你对神的忠诚。你是不是一个基督徒。(包括成熟度) - 提醒到我当你去计划的每一件事情都不是你要的,而是为着神而做的。 - 自己必须要不断的成长,才能够有能力去教别人。你要去影响对方成为基督徒,而不是他影响你弃教。 4. 去爱对方。 - 有没有对对方负责到底。 - 对方的每一个生命的细节。

Tracy Young

我是Tracy, 今年参与了华文一对一的训练。在这个训练让我学习到很多,让我看到为什么一对一在神的事工里这么的重要。我以前觉得一对一读经就是帮助人认识福音,知道可以怎样读经和看待神学。我会参与这个学堂是因为我觉得我在这一方面的技巧不够,所有需要这个训练,但是透过这个训练,不止让我学习到一些技巧,也让我看到我对一对一读经的目光太狭隘了,一对一读经的目的不止帮助人可以真真的认识福音,把这个福音应用在自己的人做神配得的基督徒,同时也让他们可以做个更加成熟的基督徒,可以和其他人一起做一对一,一起建立神的教会。这样就会有更多人有机会真真的认识这个福音,也在成为神的教会。 同时,透过这个学堂,也让我知道在做一对一需要注意什么事项,一对一不止就是俩个人一起读圣经,讨论经文,最重要的就是在跟对方做一对一之前要为对方设下一个目标,这样才会有方向,同时也可以朝着这个方向思考对方有的问题和状况,然后才可以帮助对方认识自己,认识这位神。当然还有其他技巧,例如再利用zoom做一对一时需要考量的事项,和如何去了解一个人和他的文化,等等,这些都帮助我做一对一时可以避免的一些错误和如何更有效。一对一的训练真的帮助我如何更加成熟看待一对一的事工,也让我在做一对一时不会这么茫然。

Li Yin

Besides learning practical skills for leading a growth group from GGL SOCM, what benefited me the most is my understanding of the purpose of GG leading (the why of GG leading) is corrected and sharpened. I have learned that leading a growth group is not only about leading bible studies but to build good gospel culture in the group. A growth group is not merely an intellectual exercise nor about horizontal cohesiveness, but ultimately a group of Christians growing more and more vertically oriented to God in His Word and work together in the mission of Christ. The video that we watched together in one of the sessions titled “A Day In The Life Of A Sushi Master” has expressed the essence of GG leading succinctly. It has taught me, other than spending time in preparing the Word of God, ultimately it is the servant-heartedness and passion in Christ (who we are in Christ) that persevere us to do this work of the Lord. It is through the understanding of our role as a leader that enables us in loving and building up the growth group, week in week out, without weary and giving up. Chef Nozomu Abe ended the video by saying “Tomorrow, I will do my best again”. I would encourage my members of the growth group to join this GGL SOCM as well because the health of a GG is not only dependent on the GG leader. The GG is called to be outward-looking in building up the unit together for Christ’s mission. Col2:6-7 6Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.


I think what I learnt from SoCM is that GG Leading it takes more than just reading the bible with a group. Winnie would say that "the most important things are done outside of GG time" where we essentially do life together as a GG and mature people by helping them live according to what they learnt. The most challenging part is encouraging the group to grow because GG is about living according to what God wants. Most of the time we tend to live according to what makes us feel comfortable / what we want. But since the GG belongs to God we must learn to trust that he changes people to grow his way. And that's why we work hard to minister to them.

Sam Ye Han

I've had a very positive experience with the GG Leading SOCM that was led by Winnie Lai, one of CERC's Church Ministers' Apprentices. There are a few reasons why. Firstly, I thought the program was comprehensive in terms of its coverage. As leaders and budding leaders, we were reminded about the importance of taking seriously the Word of God and to teach it effectively to those who are under our care. This is reflected in the materials that were used throughout the program and also in hearing the past experiences of the participants. Secondly, the program allows us to interact with different people which enables us to share our opinions which is helpful when it comes to teaching the Bible to all segments of society. Thirdly, the SOCM is helpful in that it doesn't stop at just preparing well for Bible studies but it also teaches us the importance of maturing the people that we are discipling through the understanding of God's Word. Having said that, Growth Groups are mini focal points that serve the local church's agenda in edifying the people of God so that they would be matured servants for Christ and besides that, they also serve to advance the evangelistic objectives of the church through appropriate knowledge of the gospel. I would highly recommend this SOCM to anyone who is interested to lead groups and also to those who are keen on helping their GGs to perform better for the sake of the body of Christ!