CERC Kids | Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC)

Where kids enjoy learning about God

Loving and learning about God should be enjoyable. At CERC Kids, children are immersed in a fun and creative environment where BIG truths about God come alive through faithful and thoughtful teaching.

Your kids will tell you all about the fun they had learning about God from the songs, stories, crafts and play. But we also want you to know that beyond the lessons, your kids will be modeling themselves after teachers who care about sharing, acting on and living out these same BIG truths.

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

Deuteronomy 6:5-7

We run 9 classes specially designed for kids aged 2 to 12! Each lesson is carefully curated to match the unique learning abilities of different age groups, ensuring that each child can learn about the Great Big God!

It's never too early for Little Tots to meet Jesus in the Bible! Your toddler(s) will have an awesome time learning about Jesus and His Word through engaging stories and skits, groovy songs and dance, and sensory-rich play.

Tots meet physically at 10am, at CERC, Bandar Sunway.

Tots 1 (2 years old) - Anna’s House, Level 1 (No.20)

Tots 2 (3 years old)- Luther & Katie’s House, Level 1 (No.32)

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Kindies are curious explorers capable of asking big and tough questions. We support their learning by magnifying the wonders of God's Word in a fun and creative environment.

Kindy meet physically at 10am, at CERC, Bandar Sunway.

Kindy 1 (4 years old): Luther & Katie’s House, Level 2 (No. 32)

Kindy 2 (5 years old): Luther & Katie’s House, Level 1 (No. 32)

Kindy 3 (6 years old): CERC Co-Working Space (Previous Office)

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Juniors are such creative learners! We love engaging their creative senses through stories, activities and experiments. We want to guide them as they navigate wonderful biblical truths, while building their confidence to read the Bible on their own.

Juniors meet physically at 10am, at CERC, Bandar Sunway.

Juniors 1 & 2 (7-8 years old): Luther & Katie’s House, Level 2 (No. 32)

Juniors 3 (9 years old): CERC Central, Level 2

Alternatively, we meet virtually at 3PM.

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Seniors are deep thinkers! As they investigate God's word and uncover biblical truths for themselves, we encourage meaningful discussions so that they would be convicted of their own answers. Learning about our great God is a lifelong pursuit and we want them to have a firm foundation to build on.

Seniors meet physically at 10am, at CERC, Bandar Sunway.

Senior 1 (10-11 years old) - CERC Co-Working Space (Previous Office)

Senior 2 (12 years old) - CERC Co-Working Space (Previous Office)

Alternatively, we meet virtually at 3PM.

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  • Tots

    Aged 2-3

    It's never too early for Little Tots to meet Jesus in the Bible! Your toddler(s) will have an awesome time learning about Jesus and His Word through engaging stories and skits, groovy songs and dance, and sensory-rich play.

    Tots meet physically at 10am, at CERC, Bandar Sunway.

    Tots 1 (2 years old) - Anna’s House, Level 1 (No.20)

    Tots 2 (3 years old)- Luther & Katie’s House, Level 1 (No.32)

    Register Now

  • Kindy

    Aged 4-6

    Kindies are curious explorers capable of asking big and tough questions. We support their learning by magnifying the wonders of God's Word in a fun and creative environment.

    Kindy meet physically at 10am, at CERC, Bandar Sunway.

    Kindy 1 (4 years old): Luther & Katie’s House, Level 2 (No. 32)

    Kindy 2 (5 years old): Luther & Katie’s House, Level 1 (No. 32)

    Kindy 3 (6 years old): CERC Co-Working Space (Previous Office)

    Register Now

  • Juniors

    Aged 7-9

    Juniors are such creative learners! We love engaging their creative senses through stories, activities and experiments. We want to guide them as they navigate wonderful biblical truths, while building their confidence to read the Bible on their own.

    Juniors meet physically at 10am, at CERC, Bandar Sunway.

    Juniors 1 & 2 (7-8 years old): Luther & Katie’s House, Level 2 (No. 32)

    Juniors 3 (9 years old): CERC Central, Level 2

    Alternatively, we meet virtually at 3PM.

    Register Now

  • Seniors

    Aged 10-12

    Seniors are deep thinkers! As they investigate God's word and uncover biblical truths for themselves, we encourage meaningful discussions so that they would be convicted of their own answers. Learning about our great God is a lifelong pursuit and we want them to have a firm foundation to build on.

    Seniors meet physically at 10am, at CERC, Bandar Sunway.

    Senior 1 (10-11 years old) - CERC Co-Working Space (Previous Office)

    Senior 2 (12 years old) - CERC Co-Working Space (Previous Office)

    Alternatively, we meet virtually at 3PM.

    Register Now

Hear from our parents

  • “CERC Sunday School has the best teachers who not only are knowledgeable and love the Bible, but also are passionate about teaching children like Kaien. I know they do not take planning and executing a lesson lightly. That's why most lessons are filled with “living” activities like thoughtful games that convey a point, crafts that make learning stick, and more.”

    - Irene Tan (Mother of Kaien)

  • “Matthew loves meeting his friends every week and learning about God! His most memorable lesson would be “God is the true and living God, we should worship him alone”!

    - Hui Chuin (Mother of Matthew Leong)

Meet the leaders

Vanessa Ong

(Kids' Ministry Pastor)

Everyone knows her as the fun, a little crazy, and friendly person! Vanessa is our pastor-in-training who has two degrees - one in Psychology and another in Theology from Moore College in Sydney.

One of Vanessa's favorite things is swimming! She is looking forward to having little boys and girls splash and smile in the big moving bathtub (the river) at White Water Summer Camp Lite for kids aged 7-12

Cheryl Tan

(Head of Department)

Cheryl is passionate for children to enjoy learning about God! As one of our Church Ministers' Apprentices, she oversees the children's ministry. She enjoys writing lessons for Sunday School so she can read more books and think about raising the children faithfully to the Lord.

Luei Jie

(Spaces & Pedagogical Head)

Luei Jie enjoys teaching and seeing children learn about their big God.

Graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education, she now works as a preschool teacher during the day where she gets to plan and prepare the classroom environment and lessons with the kids in mind.

As a person who appreciates God’s wonderful creation, and wants children to have opportunities to play and enjoy the outdoors too. Besides that, she loves being productive in doing handicrafts and organizing spaces.

Lui Jie Yun

(CERC Kids Superintendent - Tots)

Alethea Gan

(CERC Kids Superintendent - Kindy)

Au Soung Hui

(CERC Kids Superintendent - Kindy)

Sarah Gan

(CERC Kids Superintendent - Kindy)

Voon Hui Shun

(CERC Kids Superintendent - Juniors)

Zechariah Lo

(CERC Kids Superintendent - Juniors)

Yip Li Qi

(CERC Kids Superintendent - Seniors)

Wong Jia Jun

(CERC Kids Superintendent - Seniors)

We take great efforts to provide a safe, encouraging and loving environment for your child(ren) to encounter God. All CERC Kids teachers have been extensively trained and orientated to work with children. Connect with one of our ministry leaders to find out more.

Make friends, have a lot of fun and learn about our great God at our Little People events and Little People TV on YouTube!

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