Who Runs CERC | Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC)

CERC was founded and led by Pastor Robin from our founding in 2008.

Under his leadership the church grew from a few people to the few hundred who are committed to the growth of God’s kingdom through the church.

Tiers of Leadership

The church is well served and led by multiple tiers of leadership as well as a constituted framework of accountability and a robust culture of responsibility and service to God’s glory.


The members of the church have decision-making authority and responsibility on a number of issues but are also involved in the many aspects of church life through full participation in the church’s ministries.

Ministry Department Heads

The Heads of ministry departments work together under the oversight of CERC’s Lead Elder to keep the church running and well supported in its growth and goals.

View Ministry Department Heads

The church is not just a building, but it is my Lord’s (or Father’s) house where His Word is preached and taught. Hence, we wash, we clean, we wipe, we do our best to support the ministry’s needs by making sure the church is always clean and tidy!

Christine Chong

Growth Group Leaders

An important tier of CERC’s pastoral care is managed by those appointed to lead small community groups called Growth Groups (GGs). These groups are designed to nurture mature discipleship under the teaching of the Word. In addition, these GG leaders have met weekly since the founding of the church with the Lead Elder to manage the Church’s ministry matters together. They form an unofficial larger council for the overseer(s) of the church to effectively lead within a plurality.

View Growth Group Leaders

Having to be a teacher, coach/mentor, father, friend to my members week in week out without fail is definitely draining. But surprisingly, it is through teaching the gospel that I'm increasingly trained to persevere in it.

Wong Jia Jun

Pastor & Pastors-in-Training

Robin Gan

Robin Gan

Founding and Lead elder


Jerome Leng



Vanessa Ong


The Council of Elders

Pastor Robin is the Founding Elder and chairs the Council of Elders. The Council’s members form an official advisory council for the overseer(s) of the church to effectively lead within a plurality.

View Elders


View Constitution