Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
May the peace of our Lord Jesus be with you always. To see from the pictures, the love and dedication you have for others, the hard work and preparation you put in to prepare the food, people from all races and religions coming to learn about God — it is all truly astounding. Truly, there is no Greek or Jew who is excluded from the love of Christ, and the love of Christ is manifest in your hospitality for them. I encourage you, dear brothers and sisters, to keep on going as you have been going:
To the musicians who glorify our God, keep on playing for His glory,
To the cooks who glorify our God, keep on cooking for His glory,
To the administrators who glorify our God, keep on administrating for His glory,
To the members who glorify our God, keep on loving as Christ loved us for His glory,
And finally to the shepherd who leads the church, keep on preaching His word faithfully for His glory.
Do not be discouraged, if the numbers of those who come to seek God, dwindle over time. But be encouraged by those who stay, for it is the words of God that is speaking to their hearts, not the words of men.
I am sorry for writing this so late, long after you’ve started the Introducing God series, as I have had struggles myself during these past few weeks. But through it all, I always cling on to my one and only hope, our Lord Jesus, and look towards his Resurrection. I urge you all, dear brothers and sisters, when the times are dark, when the outlook is bleak, when the spirit is low, and when sin is crouching at your door, remember the love of our Lord Jesus, and His pain on the cross, and the promises He made. So in the end, when He comes again in glory in the clouds with fire, He will say, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your master".
In Christ,
With love,
Joseph Tan, 22 Jun 2012