Dear friends,
It’s been a while since I last wrote because so many things have happened since my last entry. Well, for one, the kids have grown up to be now tweens and a teen. I’ve really enjoyed being a mum to these little adults amidst their tantrums, difficulties and even my own failings as a mother. Being at an age where we can do more things as a family, I love the conversations we have about their lives, especially about their struggles as well as the evangelistic opportunities amongst their friends. We also treasure our family times together because that’s when we get to bond and do adventurous things (which my naturally introverted self needs to slowly overcome!).

My parents continue to be a ministry in my life. Mum’s health hasn’t been good over these past few years, but I’m thankful for the times when we go on morning walks together and read the Scriptures. I tribute my dad for planting in me a love for God’s Word which I hope to pass on to the children too.
I’m still doing some part time physio and home visits but I’ve had to change my job scope as my hands have been hurting for a while due to the manual therapy. Hence, I’ve decided to take on a training role at a private practice to help coach the new physios being brought in. Please pray that God will continue to use me to be a witness for Him and that I’ll have time to work on this new role.
On the church front, God has been gracious in growing us numerically and spiritually. Our recent camp in June brought both campuses (Central & Northwest) together to study the topic of “Truth, Love and Leadership” and Dr Leeman’s book on “The Church and the Surprising Offense of God’s Love”. What has encouraged me has been the many people persevering in the gospel despite the many discouragements we’ve faced (especially this year). I’ve seen people grasp God’s truth seriously, love each other and seek to work things out despite our differences and sin. It’s been a good reminder that because God’s holiness and truth matters, we’re to stand united in the gospel, strive to live as His Holy people, and be committed to the truth at all costs.

One of the ministries that remains close to my heart is the Mums Growth Group. Every Friday night, I’m always encouraged to see in them, a fervour for God’s truth and the willingness to spend a few hours studying the Scriptures despite their busy lives. We’ve also been to conferences together to equip ourselves in the Word so that we can serve God’s church more faithfully. This group of ladies have truly spurred me on to live for the Lord in every way.

Two other ministries I’m involved with are the children’s work and music ministry. We are thankful to God for bringing more than 70 kids to our evangelistic event “Little People” in the middle of the year. We are continuing to pray that God would bring these children to our Sunday School, and in that way, enable us to reach more families for Christ.

Our music ministry benefited recently from a sister in Christ, Jessy Oskar (from Adam Road Presbyterian Church, Singapore) who ran a training course for those of us involved in singing as well as playing in a band. We are thankful for what she passed on even as we strive to run a music ministry that is faithful in supporting the ministry of God’s word in CERC.
Our church continues to value your support in every way since this year has been tough financially. In fact, there were encouraging efforts from many in CERC, shown in the recent Jumble Sale, where we managed to raise RM16k. We’re still however, in need of funds because just as numbers have grown, ministries have also grown, and hence, more staff hired to care for the work, and expansion carried out to the premise and kitchen to sustain those needs. We’re also putting money aside to purchase our own building in the future, as well as pay for the theological training of our apprentices and seminary students.

We’d also love for your prayers:
- Thank God for the growing work in CERC and how many have been challenged by God’s truth to live by His grace, through faith, in Christ, holding fast to God’s Word, for God’s glory alone (reflecting on our celebration of the 500th year of the Reformation this year!).
- Pray that despite persecution and sufferings, CERC will keep persevering and be faithful servants of God till the end.
- Pray that I’ll be a loving, submissive and supportive helper to Robin. Thank God for sustaining and strengthening Robin thus far, and pray that God would give him what is needed to keep going.
- Pray that our kids will love the Scriptures and love the Lord with all of their lives.
- Pray that God would continue to provide for our needs, so that as a church family, we’ll be able to continue the work that He started 9 years ago.
I look forward to hearing from you or God willing, to meet you in person soon.
Allow me to quote a line from Dr Leeman’s book,
“The purpose of God’s love for sinners, like the purpose of his affirmation of creation, is that he might be glorified and worshipped” — Leeman pg 124.
May we live our lives for Christ, and give Him the glory that He deserves.
Love in Christ,

1 Peter 4:7-11
“The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies — in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”