Dear Brother, How are you doing? How is your job? Have you been able to cope with both ministry and your present job? I just found out from a fellow church member that you were enquiring about CERC work recently. You can find out more about it on the supporters
Read more → Posted on 15 Jan 2012
Reflections on the church and relationships in light of Isaiah and the Heidelberg Catechism I have been meaning to write for a while now but due to God’s providence, it has turned out for the better that I am writing upon the completion of CERC’s series on Isaiah and the
Read more → Posted on 10 Jun 2011
Dear Friends, After spending more than a year in CERC, there is much that I have learnt in terms of the character of God, who we are, and who I am, personally, in relation to him. As you read, perhaps you will find much food for thought as I proceed
Read more → Posted on 28 Feb 2011
Much to thank God for: The speaker, Lionel Windsor paid for his airfare, relieving GGF of our duty. GGF runs on the generosity of God in providing faithful Gospel partners. More students are involved in Word Works this round, and it is something to really be happy about. We hope
Read more → Posted on 12 Oct 2010