Dear friends,

About 2 months ago, our family took some time off to go for a short break just off the coast of Johor. It was lovely to spend time with each other, to strengthen bonds and just to have some good fun! Some of the enjoyable things we did included seeing some beautiful fishes and coral as well as using our muscles to kayak beside the beach!
As you can see, Ilona has grown up to be a young adult. She’s blossoming into a writer, and composing short stories fuelled by her interest in reading books. Ally, on the other hand, enjoys singing (all the time!) especially songs from musicals / “Frozen” movie. She too, is becoming an avid story teller. Latimer has taken an interest in lego and sports (basketball, badminton, baseball), and is usually seen doing one of those activities in his spare time. Reading the bible with them remains one of our favourite times as a family.
I’m still working part time as a physio whilst being a wife and mum at home. Leading the mother’s growth group continues to be one of the highlights in my week, especially with the few new mums who have joined us this year. We’ve grown together as a group under God’s Word, encouraging each to persevere in our walk with the Lord as well as in reaching out to our non-Christian friends and family.

At church, we’ve had the privilege of seeing more people commit to being members of CERC, desiring to use their gifts to serve the rest of the church. Recently, 16 brothers and sisters in Christ joined our CERC family! All of them seek to hold fast to the truth and have encouraging testimonies of how God helped them know the gospel and grow in Him since they’ve come to church.

This month we had our bimonthly outreach evangelism at a nearby kindergarten, thanks to the courage & support of its Christian principal. Every time we go, we have the joy of bringing the gospel to about 60 kids. Our prayer is that many of these unchurched kids and families they represent will one day come to know Christ and join us at church.

Thank you for your love, prayers and support for us as always. We do hope you’ll keep in touch, for we long to see you that we might be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith and perseverance in Christ. Praise God that He is at work in us to will and act according to His good purpose. To Him be glory forever and in His church! Amen.