Dear friends,
Lots of exciting things have happened since I last wrote.
Latimer’s baptism
Well, for one, God answered our prayer when our youngest, Latimer, came to faith in Christ Jesus in mid September. He’d been praying a few weeks before, “Dear God, please help me to become a Christian”. And so, God worked in his heart to make him more conscious of his sin and his need for Christ, and shortly after, he got baptised at our church camp in October (see picture on left below).
The picture on the right was taken on the day Latimer became a Christian. It’s lovely to think of how Laty & Ally have become more than just siblings, … now, brother and sister in Christ.

Funstart ministry
In October, the principal of the Funstart kindergarten (where we’ve been going regularly to run Little People), invited us to present a bible story and some Christian songs at their end-of-year concert. This is the first time that the gospel has been so openly preached and sung at a kindergarten concert. The principal was compelled by the gospel, and wanted this year’s concert to be evangelistic.
There were mixed responses — some were interested and supportive, whilst others weren’t so pleased. One parent in particular called and complained. However, despite the ‘opposition’, the principal remained resolute that she would keep trusting God, and stand for the gospel in her school. Her testimony and life have been a great encouragement to us, and we pray that we would do likewise and boldly preach the truth in the midst of opposition. We’ve been also reminded of the courage of apostles like Paul and Peter, who stood firm for the gospel, in our Sunday sermon series on Acts (
We are looking forward to returning to Funstart in 2014 to keep sharing the bible with the 70-80 children there.

Our Little People team together with the principal!
Little People @ CERC
Our final Little People at CERC was held in November and it had the largest numbers of children — close to 50 kids. We presented the parable of the Pharisee and Tax collector in a modern setting, to help the kids see that in the end it was the guy who recognised that he was a sinner, who was shown mercy by God. Please continue to pray that many of these children and parents will come to know Christ through Little People, as well as join our weekly Sunday meetings and Sunday School.

The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector

Craft time!!
New ministry opportunity
One last piece of encouraging news — God has opened up for us an opportunity to have a 2nd CERC campus in the north of the Klang Valley. This will help bring the gospel to families in the North West as well as University students there. We have a committed group of members from our current location, who are willing to use their gifts to reach out to the community there. Please pray for us as we hope to have our first official gathering on Christmas day.

As a family we really appreciate your prayers and generous support towards the gospel work at CERC and look forward to seeing you if you should come and visit us in KL. Please do keep updated via our website ( as well as on facebook (
May you have a blessed Christmas and a new year ahead filled with more opportunities for sharing Christ!

Love, the Gans.