We kicked off 2012 by having our CERC camp in February on “the Meaning of Life” in Ecclesiastes. It was great to be reminded that only life under our Sovereign Creator God by His Word is what brings meaning in this life and beyond. Everything else is meaningless. Please keep praying that we at CERC will continue to persevere in living with Christ as our Lord, and to keep working for Him knowing that “our labour in the Lord is not in vain” (1 Cor 15:58).

In March, our Little People’s 1st of a 4 part series on Jonah, saw about 40-50 kids come to hear the gospel. The kids in the photo are pretending to the sailors on board the ship! Later this week, we’ll be holding a Little People picnic in the hope of inviting both parents and children for our 9 week evangelistic outreach in May called “Introducing God”. Do pray that many kids will also join us weekly at Sunday School.

Last month, we held our WEW (women encouraging women), where we gathered to work out how we (as women in CERC) can be “fully devoted to the Lord” in our lives. This was important especially after listening to our Sunday sermon series on 1 Corinthians and hearing a talk on Relationships. We then broke up into smaller groups (with an ‘older’ lady), to discuss how we could encourage each other to be obedient to God’s design in His Word. We thank God for the many women who are fellow workers alongside our brothers in Christ at CERC. Pray that they will persevere in being godly and good helpers now and in the future.

We thank God also for the recent turn out at our Good Friday Evangelistic Meeting where more than 170 people came, many of whom were non-Christians to hear about how forgiveness is found in Christ. Please pray that many of them will return for Introducing God next month.
Here my kids are again… growing up too fast! Laty (the youngest) is liking kindergarten and enjoys spending Thursday evenings with Daddy (guy bonding time :)). Ally is very mature (even at 6!) and is the prayer warrior in our family. Ilona continues to love God’s Word and is a good helper to Mummy.

As for Robin and myself, we are continuing to persevere in our lives, our marriage and in ministry. It hasn’t been easy in the past few months, but we are thankful for the way God has sustained us, and kept us going through it all. We recently celebrated our 13th year wedding anniversary, and we pray God will continue to keep us faithful to Him and each other till Jesus’ return. Thank you so much for the way many of you are our close friends and partners in the gospel. Please keep praying for the work in CERC, that we will be faithful to the task God has given us by His gospel, and that many more will come under the Lordship of our faithful and sovereign God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.