The Hosea sermon series taught me that true love involves discipline, which means God’s judgment is essential for His people to repent.
This was so hard for me to grasp in the book of Hosea, considering that the culture I’m in elevates tolerance and positivity, resulting in the conception of a god who never judges and is willing to live with people who don’t even truly love Him. But this is clearly not true from the book of Hosea, where God showed that He desires genuine worship from transformed lives and not mere outward religiosity (Hos 6:6).
So, when God’s people do not have the desire to live godly lives that reflect God’s standards, the godly thing for God to do is to justly judge and discipline them until they truly repent (Hos 5:15).
Whether something or someone is negative or positive doesn’t automatically make it a bad or good thing; rather, it must be framed by God, such that even things that are seemingly negative like judgment and discipline can be for the ultimate good of His glory. The book of Hosea is crystal clear on this when God judges the sin of His own people, it is so that His own people come to the true knowledge of Him as the One who has humbled them.
Fast forward to the 21st century, the emphasis on positivity is the latest in a line of stumbling blocks that blinds us from seeing who we really are before the real God, and we will surely stumble and fall if we remain so stubborn and stuck-up.
So, for God’s people back then to understand true love, they have to stop being so presumptuous about God’s love, know that God has exposed their transgressions, and accept God’s just judgment. Otherwise, they will continue thinking that they are giving God glory all the while living in their own bubbled reality (Hos 8:2).
Thus, for anyone to truly love God, God has to first cut him to the heart and strip him bare before Himself. It will hurt and shatter his self-esteem, but only then will he see the need for repentance to experience true love in His mercy and grace (Hos 6:1-3).
That’s what the Hosea series taught me about God’s love.