Foundation Day : Calvin | Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC)

Foundation Day : Calvin

Sunday, 4 September 2022 // Reformation Theology


14 years as a church is neither long nor short. For the past 14 years, the church has been learning what it takes to protect the Gospel.

This Foundation Day, we'll be looking back and reflecting on the life of a past Reformer, John Calvin who committed his life to defending the Gospel. To him, the Reformation was about fighting for God's glory against a sinful and idolatrous world, that has no love for the authority of His Word. Without a firm grasp on the Gospel, men will only continue blurring the glory of God.

With many more decades to go if the Lord wills, we hope that CERC will not cease in its endeavour to be Christ-centred, God-glorifying.


Robin Gan

Passage references

Isaiah 6; 2 Corinthians 4


Come Praise and Glorify; O Church Arise; Keep Us Faithful; Grace Alone; Genevan Psalter 105


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