The Gospel in Galatians
Sunday, 19 September 2021 // God's Story: New Testament
Sometimes the most loving thing someone can do for us is to point out our error or inconsistency.
We have learned that Jesus Christ broke down the dividing wall of hostility in His flesh on the cross, in order that Jews and Gentiles can now be reconciled with one another and with God, creating one new man and thereby making peace.
However, in demanding the churches in Galatia to adopt Jewish traditions and lifestyles, a certain group of people reignited this hostility, and behaved in a way that was not in step with the gospel which they have learned.
There is no other gospel but the gospel of Jesus Christ, taught by the apostles, and revealed by Scripture. As Paul writes, even if an angel should preach a contrary gospel, let him be accursed (Gal 1:8).
Today, we are confronted by different distortions of the gospel, but the same question remains relevant: Have you been living in step with the truth of the Gospel? Or have you fallen for another (false) gospel?
Passage references
In Christ Alone; By Faith; Jesus with Thy Church Abide