1 John | Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC)

1 John

Sunday, 5 December 2021 // God's Story: New Testament


Talk is cheap, actions speak.

Most of us resonate with this be it in our friendships or our relationships. It rings true for us Christians as well. After all, the Gospel is not simply a reality of believing, but a reality of being.

In 1 John, the author is clear, that by our lives, we are to be living out who we are to be - a redeemed people who can have fellowship with God and His Son, and be like Him.

As we live in the last days before He returns, will we heed His call?

Passage references

Deuteronomy 6; 1 John 2:28-3:24


O, the Mercy of God; Servants of the Gospel; O Come, O Come, Emmanuel; Lights


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