10-11 Sept. Word Works: Isaiah | Our Stories | Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC)

Our Stories

10-11 Sept. Word Works: Isaiah

Posted on 12 Oct 2010 by Joel Lee

Much to thank God for:

  1. The speaker, Lionel Windsor paid for his airfare, relieving GGF of our duty. GGF runs on the generosity of God in providing faithful Gospel partners.
  2. More students are involved in Word Works this round, and it is something to really be happy about. We hope to see more young people struggling to take God’s Word seriously on a more academic level (though not without plenty of ministry applications).
  3. Studying OT prophets has been thoroughly refreshing as it throws us to a deep end of a different genre where we can presume too little.
  4. Much can be said about the content in terms of the nature of God’s Sovereignty, Biblical History, understanding current affairs through Biblical lenses, and the nature of the fulfilment of Christ: but they cannot fit this little paragraph.

Find out more about Word Works on the GGF website.