MTS Responsibilities at CERC | Our Stories | Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC)

Our Stories

MTS Responsibilities at CERC

Posted on 7 Jun 2012 by Daniel Lu

It’s been a year since I was inducted into the ministry training strategy (MTS) program in CERC. My view of life has changed drastically since then.

The Sovereign Loving God

It was the doctrines of sin and salvation that first shocked me when I realized how absolute the sovereignty of God was and the extent of love He shows a totally-depraved people. I realized that sin is personal hatred towards God. “Enemies” is defined as a hostile opponent, something harmful or obstructive, and it describes us. We do not love God with our whole heart, mind, soul and strength; we disobey our parents, lie, slander, envy others, hate, murder, lust, rape and encourage such evil, or would commit these if we knew we wouldn’t get caught.

“But God shows us his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

Christians are saved by God’s unmerited favor so that we might live under Him in eternity and glory in Him. This is God’s love for His church. I gave my life up for this.

Church and Ministry

Many have asked after my reasons for entering full-time ministry. I tell them that I definitely have a calling. A Christian may be an accountant, mechanic, doctor or teacher, but they all serve God full-time. I chose to pursue full-time ministry for the up-building of the Malaysian church. I joined CERC’s 2-year ministry training program to test my gift of teaching, or lack thereof. Over the last year, God has shown me what it takes to live fully under God— love for His people, humility and responsibility.

Here are some of the ministries I have been running:

Little People

Little People (LP) is an evangelistic event that CERC organizes quarterly to teach children about the Gospel. Organizing the LP events for 2012 was not easy. Nevertheless, I was happy to learn to communicate, play and teach such a young age group. During the last Little People in May, 10 kids raised their hands to trust and follow Christ. Thank God for His salvation and continuing work in these kids.

Campus Ministry

(I am half squatting on the right side of the picture!)

This is INTI Christian Fellowship, the CF that I’ve been privileged to fellowship with over weekly bible studies. Their enthusiasm for Scripture and evangelism in university has been a source of joy and encouragement to me.


I’m currently one of the partners of Gospel Growth Fellowship (GGF), a local parachurch that aims to grow evangelicals in Malaysia through conferences focusing on biblical theology, exegesis, theological thinking and doing ministry. GGF aims to increase biblical literacy and encourages Christians to commit and persevere in ministry. As a partner, I help organize the yearly conferences and run electives. It’s really tried my administrative and leadership abilities. Nevertheless, I enjoy meeting Christians from other denominations at GGF conferences, outside our packed city schedules.

Other Ministries

‘5555’ is a joint Sunway-Monash preaching and bible study program, Fairview International School CF, White Water Summer Camp (a youth evangelistic camp) and personal one-on-one bible studies are the other ministries running.

Please pray:

  1. That I grow in wisdom and godliness in MTS.
  2. That I will not give up as I’ve been tempted to when things get tough.
  3. That I will have a shepherd’s heart for God’s people.
  4. That CERC continues to remain faithful to God’s words and also for maturity amongst church members.

Here’s a picture of my siblings, relatives and I during Chinese New year earlier this year!

My brother is the 3rd from the left, my two sisters are standing on the left and right of my cousin in blue shirt, and I’m on the far right. See the resemblance?

I thank God for my family’s approval for my decision. Please pray for them to remain in Christ!

Persevering in ministry,