Hi everyone! | Our Stories | Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC)

Our Stories

Hi everyone!

Posted on 10 Jul 2011 by Daniel Lu

My name is Daniel Lu. Currently, I am the MTS-er or pastor’s apprentice in Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC). MTS stands for Ministry Training Strategy and it is a 2-year pre-college programme designed to prepare Christians for full time paid ministry.

Why Join MTS?

Deciding to join the MTS programme at CERC was neither easy nor natural for me. I am a STPM graduate and my school results were above average. I chose to study medicine in KL because I had the desire to help people by relieving their pain in sickness, especially since I was interested in human physiology. As a Sarawakian, I came to KL with high hopes of becoming a doctor and finding a good church to settle in. I decided to settle in CERC because of the faithful teaching of the bible and its solid doctrines. As I learnt more of God from the weekly preaching and bible studies, I was challenged by the Word to re-think the decisions I had been making in my life. Based on my daily decisions, I found that I had not been a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God (as Romans 12:1-2 exhorts us to do), but rather, I had been living in a self-centered way. After months of struggling and learning about who God truly is in His Word and who I really am under Him, I decided to leave medicine and join MTS, with intentions of being a full time paid pastor in the future.

Since Joining MTS and Church Ministries

Since joining MTS, I have been involved in various ministries. Church ministry involves emceeing, bible study leading, co-organizing a year-end youth camp and people follow-ups. For campus ministries, I am doing one-on-one bible studies with students and teaching evangelistic classes on university campuses. I am also involved in planning and organizing bible conferences to help increase the biblical literacy in the Klang Valley. These conferences are Word Works Conference(WW), Fellow Worker’s Conference (FWC) and Thinking Theologically Conference (TTC), organized under a parachurch organization called Gospel Growth Fellowship (GGF) of which CERC is an active supporter. Because of these ministry platforms, many people have come to understand the Gospel and committed their lives to Jesus, and many Christians have been growing in maturity with solid food. I am very encouraged to see that CERC, though only 3 years old, has 2 MTSers and 2 more on the waiting list. The Holy Spirit is definitely working to teach and make disciples of Christ through the church ministries.

Please support CERC

With 34 church members in a church of approximately 60 people, funding all these ministry work has been a tedious task and we have been living under God’s gracious providence all this while.

Our church funding needs:

  • Renting a new shoplot that can fit 200 people.
  • Renovating the shoplot.
  • Buying extra furniture for the church and the full time workers.
  • Buying new PA and musical equipments.
  • Paying the pastor and the family’s wages.
  • Taking care of expenses for full time workers such as petrol and food.
  • Funds for various ministries supported by the church.
  • Donations for MTSers’ future theological studies expenses.

Contact Me

Would you like to know more? Check out https://www.cerc.com.my/support-us and https://www.cerc.com.my/ for more information and read a few of CERC members’ blogs!

If you would like to know more about my responsibilities and role as an MTS-er in CERC, you can contact me via email at sibudan@hotmail.com.