On Saturday, the 9th of March, Little People hit the stage in CERC once again. This time, there were no talking parrots, but an ark, child actors, and a dozen animals – 2 of its kind, male and female.
The kids watching the skit with anticipation
Little Miss Sunshine, known as Jay Lyn by the adults, engaging the kids right before the skit.
In the audience, 84 pairs of little eyes fixed their gaze on the stage as the story of Noah and the Ark unfolded in a way they had never experienced before. In this Little People, the kids explored how the whole world lived their own way from the story of Noah and how he obeyed God even when everyone else thought he was foolish for doing so. So together with the actors, the kids learnt how God chose faithful people throughout history to establish His super saviour, Jesus Christ!
Ernest Choong, who acted as Noah, displaying the genealogy which Noah is a part of
What was particularly unique about this experience was the participation of some of the church’s Sunday School kids, youths and parents in the skit. Together for the first time in Little People history, Ken, Natalie, Ryan, Riley, Renae, Jeremy, Jaziel and Jedd painted how real sin, covetousness and wanting our own way could be.
This is what Ken Ooi, Renae, Ryan and Riley’s dad, had to say about the experience of acting together with his very own kids, “Nat and I were surprised, yet impressed by our children’s enthusiasm in memorising their lines, taking constructive feedback from the producer, giving their best during rehearsals and most of all, wanting the skit to contribute and convey the message of the Gospel to their friends in the audience. It was a tiring week of preparation leading up to the event, but very encouraging when we saw the church coming together to love and serve, also when friends/parents gave supportive words of appreciation for our evangelistic efforts via Little People!”
Top photo (L-R): Jedd and Riley; bottom photo (L-R): Ryan and Jaziel playing the younger versions of their fathers.
One of CERC’s earliest church members, Ken and Nat Ooi acting in the skit together with their daughter, Ranae Ooi.
Besides that, catchy songs, thought-provoking Book Book Book Time readings, and interesting crafts were also done during Little People.
Here’s what the Agape sisters, big fans of Little People, enjoyed about Little People: “The craft! The Skit! And the Cincau!” Keziah Agape went on to say, “My favourite part about the craft was the blue water with the ark inside. I liked it because it had blue water.”
Another parent, Irene Tan reported that Kaien, her 11-year-old son, enjoyed little people so much, he went home to rewatch the skit on YouTube with his dad, Khai Tan.
Kaien with his friends lying on the grass while watching the skit
Keziah, her siblings and friends posing for a picture at the end of Little People
All in all, CERC thanks God for the opportunity to preach His word to the kids and even more so for the 3 newcomers who came to Sunday School the day after Little People! We pray God continues to work in their lives.
Top photo: James Tan teaching the 11-12-year-olds in Sunday School Bottom photo: Jonathan Koh teaching the 8-9-year-olds in Sunday School
You can check out our story on last year’s Little People: