Vanessa's ministry blog | Our Stories | Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC)

Our Stories

Vanessa’s ministry blog

Posted on 7 Oct 2014 by Vanessa Ong

Hello, everyone!

I’m the new MTS-er. 🙂

Wow, I’m in the third week of MTS already?

When I see my Whatsapp group chats of my ex-colleagues at my previous workplace, I am reminded of the days that I used to sit in the office wishing fervently that I was outside of the office writing and giving talks, meeting and ministering to people and other things MTS-ers do. Now, I can schedule my week by prioritizing what I previously had to schedule around my work hours, given what little was left of my time and energy after work. I’m feeling privileged!

So, just yesterday, I delivered an evangelistic talk on Ecclesiastes 2-3 on a nearby university campus. It was my first sermon as an MTSer, praise God! Let me share with you some quick updates, reflections and points for prayer.

I’ve settled down into my new living space cum bedroom in No. 26 with Robin and family. It’s been really convenient that I can just pop into my bedroom for something and get back to work where others are working, etc. I’m really thankful to Robin, Joy, Ilona, Ally and Laty for sharing their living space with me.

I’ve also settled quite nicely into my weekly routine; I think I’m getting the hang of it. The typical day includes reading the Bible with others, preparing talks for school and campus ministry and other church ministries like CERC Youth and Women Encouragement Women.

So far, working with people has been a little tricky for me, but I’m hoping to get more familiar, skillful and effective in working with people for the church.

Do join me in prayer that God will help me trust Him for the future since my comfort is found only in God – who he is, his reliable and loving character, his fulfilment of his plan and more-than-“very very sure” promises, him being the only All-Knowing etc. (Yes, I just came back from CERC Camp: True Comfort and you’re hearing the encouraging echoes of it!) Also, I pray that God will help me practice godliness in thinking and action as life gets busier.

I’m running off to finish a bible talk I’m delivering tomorrow to secondary school students. Do pray that God will work in their hearts to help them understand that Jesus is King of all and to put their trust in him. Thanks for praying, church!

I’ll write more soon.
