“Hot” in Winter | Our Stories | Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC)

Our Stories

“Hot” in Winter

Posted on 12 Feb 2016 by Jerome Leng

“Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow…” Isaiah 1.18

Finally, I have seen snow! And it is more beautiful than I imagined. The first thing that came to my mind was the truth about God cleansing His people of their sins. “White as snow.” Incredible! As we begin the semester, we are reminded of who we are as God’s redeemed people. What a privilege it is to be able to ponder and study deeply about His marvellous works! Winter may be cold but the Gospel keeps us spiritually “hot.”

This coming semester is our first Spring semester. Somehow, it feels more lively than the Fall semester. Perhaps it’s because we know more people and are more involved in the seminary community and its programs. There’s lots of anticipation for the T4G conference happening in April. Everybody’s looking forward to it.

It’s another full semester. I am taking four classes and auditing one. Robyn and I are taking two classes together. We’re still waiting for her student visa by the way. So our plan for her to begin working on campus has been stalled but…we are sure that God in His infinite wisdom has a good purpose for it. My job on campus has been a blessing from God. I am able to make some pocket money and make new friends with my colleagues. Most of the members in our team are international students and prospective missionaries.

Looking forward, I hope to go on a mission trip or expedition of some sort in the summer. I am asking God for wisdom and opportunity to be able to go for one, at least. We are also getting ourselves more involved in Clifton. It’s been a while since we taught children but we are thinking of starting there. Other than that, it’s the daily grind of seminary studies. Invigorating work lies ahead!

Happy Chinese New Year to you! May your year be filled with the wondrous love of God as you grow spiritually in all your trials and temptations. Material wealth and health God does not promise, but Christ-likeness and life abundant in eternity, oh, we can be most certain!

Prayer Points

Here are our key prayer points for Spring 2016:

  1. Praise God with us for His gracious hand and attentiveness to our needs.
  2. Please pray that we will have the mental strength and health to excel in our studies. Pray that God will teach us to see the significance of all that we are learning in our own lives, the church and the world.
  3. Please pray for our relationships with church members and friends. We hope to be a blessing to others and grow in love for them as we serve Christ together.
  4. Finally, please pray that Robyn’s student visa will arrive so that she can work in the campus clinic.

Thank you for supporting us. We hope that you enjoyed reading the updates above and have more reasons to trust in God and thank Him. Let us know how you are doing as well! Emails and messages from our friends and supporters are always encouraging to us.

May God’s grace and peace fill your lives.

For the Cause of Christ,
Jerome and Robyn