CERC News | Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC)

Church leaders meet in annual planning retreats

10 Dec 2021

In November, CERC’s leaders met in their annual Leaders’ Planning Retreat (LPR), as did the Sunday School leadership team just 2 weeks apart. At the LPR, department leaders, growth group leaders, and upcoming leaders met together with the Lead Elder, Robin Gan, the council members, and the pastors-in-training over the

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CERC Celebrates the 504th Anniversary of the Reformation

30 Nov 2021

Writings on Martin Luther’s life and teachings Celebrating the Reformation is a deeply personal occasion for Reformed Christians every year. The Reformation commenced in 1517 and drew to a watershed moment with Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms in 1521. Modern Protestantism was born from the Reformation and is

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COVID Announcement from the Pastoral Care for the Sick (PCS) Team

18 Nov 2021

In October, the number of new daily COVID-19 cases had decreased from approximately 10,000 per day to 4,000-6,000 per day. With that, the government has also allowed churches to resume operations under the National Recovery Plan (NRP) on the condition that all attendees must be fully vaccinated and SOPs adhered

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The Sams Move to the UK for Further Studies

31 Oct 2021

Around March 2021, Elder Sam Ye Han and his family received the sudden yet exciting news: the opportunity for Sam to further his studies abroad had finally arrived! Though the family had expected that Sam would be furthering his studies in the near future, they did not expect this opportunity

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CERC does Ephesians: Virtual, but no less missional

6 Sep 2021

CERC’s sermon series on the book of Ephesians Can churching during a pandemic, especially in a virtual setting, be effective at all? CERC’s latest series on the book of Ephesians comes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and is part of the God’s Story: New Testament sermon series. CERC also concurrently launched

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Joel Lee Appointed as Newest Council Member

5 Sep 2021

“Being faithful to Jesus in this world is very hard. Our current circumstances [as a church] are a reflection of that. I need to add to our strength, to be a pillar. As much as all our lives are before God, the pastor is a very public Christian. I feel

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Elden heads off to Westminster Theological Seminary

11 Aug 2021

Earlier this year, we interviewed Elden and Jou Ee regarding their ministry plans for the year which had to be changed due to the pandemic (read the interview here). Having successfully completed the Church Ministers’ Apprenticeship (CMA) programme here at CERC last year, Elden was due to make the move

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Growing Mothers in the Word

29 Jun 2021

Throughout time, mothers have always been lauded as heroines for their sacrifice and love. However, not many people see the key role of mothers in shaping their children’s Christian education. Many focus on the intellectual, physical, emotional, and mental growth of their children whilst leaving the area of what is

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Celebrating Resurrection Sunday at CERC with the Baptism of Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ

29 May 2021

On 4 April 2021, Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC) in Bandar Sunway celebrated Resurrection Sunday, which commemorates the day Jesus Christ rose from the dead, as was foretold, 3 days after His death on the cross. This year’s Resurrection Sunday gathering featured two sessions – one in the morning and

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Godly Women, Godly Emotions

28 May 2021

Womanhood with a Renewed Heart Women Encouraging Women (WEW) began with the same vision as CERC — to encourage women to be God-glorifying and Christ-centred. Given God’s good design and complementarian role of women, this women’s ministry seeks to faithfully work alongside our brothers in Christ to build God’s church.

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An Interview With The Pans: What’s Next? Updates on Seminary and Ministry

28 Apr 2021

By Clarrise Ng Elden and Jou Ee Pan are members of Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC), where Elden has completed the Church Ministers’ Apprenticeship (CMA) programme and is looking forward to seminary at Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia. We sat down with them on the 14th of March this

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Helping People to ‘Get God, Get Life’ In the Midst of COVID-19

31 Mar 2021

Pushing Forward in Mission Since its infancy, Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC) has always been mission-minded for Christ. Part of it has involved engaging with culture through various creative evangelistic efforts in the form of skits, introductory series on the basics of Christianity, and sermons tailored for KL urbanites –

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