CERC Celebrates the Swearing-in of 12 New Members on its 14th Anniversary
1 Oct 2022
New Members Swearing-in Ceremony at CERC Central
“As members of Christ Evangelical Reformed Church, we will do all things in devotion to and faith in Christ and for God’s glory. We will be committed to the private and corporate study of the Scriptures, and know God, be His Son’s people, and do the things that please Him. We will speak the truth to each other in a mutual upbuilding of love. We will pray for and speak to each other in a concern for holiness and godliness among Christ’s people. We will not work out of a sense of or seeking for merit, but out of being loved so completely by God, and loving others because of who they are in relation to God.”
– CERC’s Church Covenant
On the 4th of September 2022, the church gathered at CERC Central to celebrate CERC’s 14th anniversary as well as the swearing-in of 12 new members into the CERC church family. The swearing-in ceremony represents a milestone for those membership candidates who would officially be sworn in as members of the local church. For the candidates, swearing-in as members means making a formal commitment to love and serve God’s people and to strive in gospel work together with the local church by God’s enabling.
Elder Robin reminded the congregation of the importance of the structural elements in the church like church membership, particularly during a global pandemic. With lockdown restrictions for two years, the church was not able to meet physically, and it was then that the measure of its godly character, whether or not the church would be able to live out the reality of being God’s people together, was greatly tested.
On the importance of membership, Elder Robin shared: “Calvin was keen, as someone teaching the life in the Spirit on this side of heaven, for God’s kingdom and God’s gathered people to have a real manifestation.” Indeed, church membership is a vital element of the local church being the visible church before Christ’s return. One might ask, “Why swear in as a member when I’m already doing so much?”
Elder Robin pointed out the inextricable link between being a member of God’s kingdom and being a member of God’s visible church.
“…what undergirds all our work is a reality of our eternal relationship with God. What undergirds our relationship with each other is invisible. We do not know each other perfectly. We may not even remember each others’ names. So how are we really together? It is not so much about just doing, or even about just learning. It’s also and especially about sitting near Jesus, walking with Him, being with Him. Church is not salvation, but if we understand what the [church] fathers have taught, if God has saved us to be His holy household, then how can we not be members [of a local church]?
Founding Elder Robin Gan addressing the congregation
Being a church member is not merely about being someone who does a lot of church work and learns a lot, but it is about living out what it is to be part of the eternal household of God – that means committing to love and serve the local church, which in CERC is expressed through the swearing-in ceremony.
Because membership in a local church is not to be entered into lightly, Christians desiring to commit as members undertake CERC’s membership course. Through the course, candidates learn to love the church through the study of Scripture and thinking theologically about ecclesiology. They also practise loving the church by serving in their respective ministries. Shully Liew, one of newly sworn-in members, shared, “It’s not just [that] I accept Him, have faith then I am a Christian but it’s more than that. [I learnt that] it’s about being His people under Him, giving Him glory. To serve Him and be in a church is important – it’s what He wants for His people – to be together and serve together.”
Before swearing in, candidates shared what they look forward to in becoming members of CERC and their plans for the future. Rebecca Lau looks forward to striving together with the church towards godliness even if it means holding one another accountable and rebuking if needed. Meanwhile, Lucas Tan, whose worldly ambitions were challenged as he grew in his knowledge of the Bible through CERC, now hopes to pursue full-time paid ministry and contribute to the growth of God’s kingdom in the Klang Valley.
Members awaiting swearing-in while sharing a few laughs as they share their reflections
Then, all the candidates swore in by reading the church’s covenant together before the congregation. After swearing in as members, some new members prayed for the Word ministers and members of CERC – that CERC might remain faithful and that God might be pleased to continue to build up her ministry for His glory. After the prayers, each new member was handed his/her tokens of membership (a members’ shirt and their respective name cards) by a selected older member of the church.
Lucas Tan, one of the 3 new members who prayed for the nurture of the church before the ceremony ended
New members then proceeded to hang their pictures up on the membership wall – a visible reminder of whom they have committed to love and serve as one Body with Christ as the Head. As the pictures were hung, the assigned ministries for each new member were announced – a joyous part of the ceremony that reminds us that every Christian is ‘created in Christ Jesus for good works’ (Eph 2:10).
We thank God for His gracious work of growing His gospel as seen in individuals committing their lives to a local body of Christ. We pray that the Lord will enable members of CERC, both new and old, to remain steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Cor 15:58).
Kristen Lam, one of the new members, posing for a photo with her GG leader, Winnie Lai in front of the membership wallThe 12 new members who swore-in