Baptism on Resurrection Sunday: Embracing the new life
29 Apr 2024
On the final day of March, CERC celebrated Resurrection Sunday in both AM and PM gatherings. Every year, CERC celebrates Resurrection Sunday in reminder of Christ, the Saviour King who resurrected to redeem his people from sin.
An empty tomb: The sight that greeted guests as they entered the main hall
Pastor in Training (PiT), Jerome Leng delivered an engaging sermon on Exodus, focusing on Israel, God’s chosen nation, having to submit to God instead of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. PiT Jerome helpfully reminded the congregation of our faithful God, seen through the life of Israel, as He delivered His people to serve Him.
PiT Jerome dived into the details of the Exodus story, highlighting Pharaoh’s defiance against God by refusing to release the Israelites. God, being the Warrior King and Saviour, unleashed ten plagues upon Egypt through Moses. Each plague destroyed the various Egyptian gods, affirming that there was only one true God – the God of Israel.
In this particular sermon, PiT Jerome mentioned how in the crossing of the Red Sea, Israel needed to learn to rely on God and learn how to be His people. God’s constant presence with Israel is seen as a pillar of cloud, being their Fighter and Protector, leading His people into a holy war and teaching them to trust in Him as their covenant Lord. The triumphant destruction over the Egyptian army was celebrated by the Israelites through a song of Moses. This song was to be passed on through generations, as a reminder to live a life under God.
“Sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously;the horse and his rider he has thrown into the sea.”
Exo 15:20-21
PiT Jerome pointed out that the series of events in Exodus teaches Israel what it means to be His people. This historical lesson remains relevant today, as Christians are called to live for God, embodying a life dedicated to something far greater than themselves. Just as Israel was brought out of Egypt to live a new life, baptism in Christians today signify their new life for Christ.
After the AM gathering, nine brothers and sisters publicly declared their inward transformation through baptism. Baptism also acted as a reminder for the church of God’s saving grace, uniting believers with Christ in His death and resurrection, enabling them to live for him.
The whole congregation sang “It’s Your Grace”, as a reminder that we, who were once sinners, are saved by God’s grace. After that, Elder Joel Lee officiated the baptism.
It’s Your grace,
From beginning to the end.
It’s Your grace,
We will never comprehend.
Why You drew the ones who ran from You,
What can we do but offer You praise?
Chorus of “It’s Your Grace”
Ming Rong (in black) rejoices in new life under God
All baptism candidates were dressed in black before they were baptized to signify the old self who lived in sin. John 3:1-8 was read aloud, emphasising the necessity of being born again through God’s Spirit to enter the kingdom of God.
All 9 candidates L-R top row: Ming Rong, Jonathan Chin, Zi Peng, Teoh Poh Jian, Stephen Lee, Divyesh L-R bottom row: Benson Huang, Choy Chiew Mun, Kee Bao Yi
Every candidate publicly renounced the devil and his work and affirmed their trust in the one true God before being baptised. They were then given a white shirt to signify their new life in Christ. The ceremony was ended by prayers from Eldwin Oui, Winnie Lai and Woo Kae Sheng who played a significant part in the lives of the 9 brothers and sisters who were newly baptised.
Resurrection Sunday at CERC was a profound reminder of God’s redemptive power, the significance of baptism and the life of living for the one true God.