CERC News | Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC)

Training future pastors through the pulpit ft. Exodus series

23 Jul 2024

In the recently concluded Exodus sermon series, 5 of CERC’s Church Ministers’ Apprentices (CMA) took to the pulpit to preach sermons from the book of Exodus. The CMAs preached 9 out of 20 sermons, almost half of the whole series.  Pastors-in-Training (PiT) Jerome Leng and Daniel Lu preached the remaining

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Youths Hungry To Hear About God in Exodus

7 Jul 2024

On the Sunday gathering of 21 April 2024, as Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC) reaches the halfway point of its Exodus series, the youths of CERC are equally immersed in an exciting and gripping part of the story during their Youth Church sessions. The hunger and eagerness to hear God’s

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Rev Dr David Peterson reviews “More Calvinistic Than Calvin?”

12 May 2024

A review of the book “More Calvinistic Than Calvin? Hardline Reformed Theology & The Malaysian Church” authored by Hwa Yung, Lee Soo Tian, Lee Tat Yan and Lim Kar Yong. When Christians Differ When Christians differ over matters of biblical interpretation, doctrine, ethics, or pastoral issues, it is important that

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Woman For Man

22 Apr 2024

In March, CERC had its annual women’s event – Women Encouraging Women (WEW). This year’s topic, Women VS Men, involved understanding both sexes, how God designed man and woman, and how each has their unique complementarian role in serving the Lord. Thus, in line with this topic, it was the

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Sam and Chloe’s Wedding: A Celebration of the Gospel

14 Apr 2024

On Saturday, March 2nd, 2024, CERC gathered in Luther Centre, Petaling Jaya, to witness the marriage of members, Samuel Tan and Chloe Lim. For Sam and Chloe, this wedding was not about themselves but for God to be glorified and for the attendees to know Christ through their wedding. Chloe,

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CERC goes to FWC 2024

9 Apr 2024

This past January, CERC returned once again to the bright rooftop ballroom of Hotel Excelsior in Ipoh to attend Fellow Workers’ Conference (FWC), an annual conference hosted by the Gospel Growth Fellowship to bring fellow workers of Christ from the Klang Valley together for 3 days to talk about this

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Little People 2024

7 Apr 2024

On Saturday, the 9th of March, Little People hit the stage in CERC once again. This time, there were no talking parrots, but an ark, child actors, and a dozen animals – 2 of its kind, male and female. In the audience, 84 pairs of little eyes fixed their gaze

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CNY at CERC 2024: Hope, Blessings and Family

6 Mar 2024

The hall was quieter than usual on this particular Sunday gathering – it was the second day of Chinese New Year (CNY). As such, many regulars from the CERC congregation had gone back to visit their respective families and hometowns during this season.  By God’s providence, CERC tackled the story

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What Happens When the Preacher is Sick?

20 Feb 2024

It was the day before the Sunday gathering on 22 January 2024 when the operations team received worrying news – Pastor Robin would not be able to preach the next day due to a severe throat infection. Despite the circumstances, the congregation was still able to be edified through the

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CERC Goes Through Genesis [2024]

10 Feb 2024

CERC kickstarted its 2024 teaching programme with a sermon series going through the book of Genesis.  The series consisted of 5 sermons preached by Pastor Robin Gan and Pastor-in-Training (PiT) Jerome Leng.  In presenting Genesis as the ‘Gospel from the beginning’ (which is the series subtitle), the sermons helped the

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Growth Groups Unite in Encouragement for Combined GG

1 Feb 2024

As the curtains drew to a close on the year 2023, CERC found themselves gathered once more, this time not for a sermon or a bible study session, but for something special – the first Combined Growth Group (Combined GG) of 2024.  The Combined GG marked the culmination of the

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Adult Growth Groups Conclude 1-on-1 Discipleship Training with the New “Life for God” Series

7 Jan 2024

From May to November of 2023, Adult Growth Groups (GGs) have undergone training to be equipped for 1-on-1 personal discipleship ministry through the 1-on-1 School of Christian Ministry (SoCM) studies every Thursday evening. This SoCM aims for Christ-like maturity: seen in every member building one another up by speaking the

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