Growing Mothers in the Word

Posted on 29 Jun 2021 by Elsha Liew

Throughout time, mothers have always been lauded as heroines for their sacrifice and love. However, not many people see the key role of mothers in shaping their children’s Christian education. Many focus on the intellectual, physical, emotional, and mental growth of their children whilst leaving the area of what is termed religion (in secular terms) as an independent decision to be made by their children later on. Even if these mothers identify with Christianity, there is a tendency to leave Christian education to the likes of Sunday School teachers and church pastors.

CERC mothers, though, take a completely different view of Christian education and are very much involved in ensuring that their children become intimately acquainted with Scripture from an early age, striving to model Christ to their children daily, and nurturing them in their knowledge and love for Jesus. All this flows from the conviction that knowing God is Life itself. Therefore, they go to great lengths to familiarise themselves with Scripture, and model it at home, to ensure that they teach God’s Word to their young ones faithfully.

Given that mothers play an important role in nurturing their children in the Word of truth, efforts have been concentrated in growing mothers in the Word. The latest Mums’ Growth Group (Mums’ GG) started in January 2021, beginning as a small group under CERC’s latest evangelistic series entitled Look See Look See.

Look See Look See is an introductory series in CERC that explores Christianity in the form of guided questions and conversations. The goal of the series is to provide an open avenue for people to ask questions about faith and to discuss larger questions like the meaning of life within small groups where they can have a comfortable space to speak freely. A few ladies who attended CERC’s Mums’ Christmas celebration in December 2020 had been keen to learn more from Scripture; so, the new Mums’ GG started especially for these women under the Look See Look See umbrella. The group began with two young Christians and a few mature ones, whilst also catering to those who use English as a second-language.

CERC’s Mums’ Christmas Event — December 2020

The women began with the gospel of Mark but eventually shifted to Just for Starters, a more structured set of studies covering the basic tenets of the Christian faith.

“I’ve been greatly encouraged by some of these ladies who have become Christians, and others who have grown in their understanding of God’s Word,” said Joy Gan, the group leader and wife of CERC’s Lead Elder, Robin Gan. “Mums’ GG began as a small group of ladies, born out of a desire to help mothers learn the Bible. Now, we have multiplied to 3 GGs solely dedicated to growing mums in the Word weekly!”

New Mums’ GG Weekly Zoom Meeting

Currently, the 3rd Mums’ GG is on Saturday at 2.30PM. The timing works well for busy mothers with different commitments, and the women have been meeting up consistently each week, with the group growing gradually over the last few months. They have also recently joined CERC in the church’s study of Ephesians.

Jane Au attends CERC together with her daughter, Soung Hui, a young working adult, and is committed to the Saturday GG. “I saw myself in the other ladies when I first started at Mums’ GG. I had always been reading into the text with my preconceived notions, but gradually, when I finally read and understood the text for what it was, it was like my eyes were opened for the very first time… It was a very wonderful and exhilarating feeling,” she said. “At Mums’ GG we are guided step by step to read the Word of God as it should be read, in context, exegetically, faithfully. l pray that I can be an encouragement to the other ladies that they will also learn to enjoy learning God’s Word together and for all of us to desire growth and maturity in our redeemed life in Christ.”

CERC mothers are leading the way in taking God’s Word seriously, aligning themselves with CERC’s mission of bringing the gospel in all its clarity to the Klang Valley. The rest of us, too, should take our cue from these inspiring women in championing theological clarity, and get plugged into a Growth Group today.

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